reunion of twins

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5 years later

Patton and Logan had a kid the next year, a boy they called Owen, and even for a 4-year-old the nerd is strong in this one, he stays in the library reading fairy tales only coming out for cookies or Patton got Logan down for cuddles and all three of them curl up together in the living room. Seraphina and Rebecca are close friends, Seraphina came into her powers, she has fire and time and goes through time watching and sometimes causing chaos. Rebecca got the power to see a person's name and pronouns, Thomas got the power to see a person's flag where he's on full display and Alya got dream walking and sleep. One day Seraphina followed Patton to the orphanage helping with the cookies for Dolos and the kids. There was a little girl who came in but refused to be adopted cause like Vice she has family out there but all she has to go off is a nickname from 1703 and the last name 'Bean', Seraphina went to play with the other kids when Patton talked to Dolos. Then Cierra levitated three cookies over and they all went nom, they all were playing like normal till Seraphina and Vice tripped over toys and turned into a little snake and puppy and their colors were like a reverse mirror. The snake was purple with eyes like rubies and the puppy was amber red. Seraphina slithered away, scared, and hissed "Mirror puppy"

Virgil heard that and smiled "What's the matter princess?" Virgil hissed to Seraphina then-Vice hissed "My friend is a princess?!" Seraphina went white when she heard that "You shouldn't have heard that" She turned back to normal and ran to Patton "I want to go home" Dolos picked her up and rubbed her back "You found out? I didn't tell you or your parents because I didn't want any of you to freak out, but I guess the puppy is out of the bag. If you're wondering how the girl but him a year ago and her uncle is Remy, but I don't want to take that from her" Patton glared at Dolos "Her uncle is the only family she knows, and you are hiding that from her! Isn't it your job to reunite or form families?" A woman came out of an office and smiled as she leaned on the wall "I had to straight-up tell him I'm his twin. I got the brains out of us, but it pays when he was so hard-headed that Medusa couldn't turn him to stone so he just cursed his family instead. Hi Patton, I'm Celeste. I raised Loki and Lyric and knew a past you, you actually raised two generations of royalty, me and Virgil." Seraphina looked at Celeste and made grabby hands, so Celeste took her and held her close "It's ok princess!" Seraphina bleeps and falls asleep, as she did so do Vice leaving Cierra eating all the cookies in the corner happily.

five minutes later

Patton and Dolos are talking, and Patton lets it slip bout the library and Cierra heard "Books?! And cookies!" Cierra put her arms up to Patton "Daddy" Patton's heart melted and picked her up "Of course kiddo. But I have to tell Remy first" Cierra's eyes lit up "Remy Bean?" Patton nodded "It's Pecani now but yes same Remy and you heard of, he actually just lives a little out of town not far from here." Cierra smiled and tripped Dolos with her powers then hugged Patton tighter. When she got to Remiles' place she ran through the doggie flap and tackled Remy "Uncle Remy!" Remy dropped his cup as tears fell from under his sunglasses "Kid I think you have the wrong person. My brother is long gone and it's impossible that you're Emile's niece" Cierra pouted then jumped down to drink the coffee off the floor, a four-year-old having coffee. Emile comes down with Thomas sitting on his head as a puppy "Remy what's wrong and why is that baby drinking coffee?" Emile picks up Cierra "Clean up that mess or no cuddles" Remy cleaned up the coffee by turning into a puppy a licking it up. Then Cierra jumped down and turned human "Ryan got turned into a vamp pup like you are Remy and he survived till a few years ago when he came to find you but got killed by a hunter called Ethen Cloud. I was the sent here" as Cierra said that name Patton clenched his fist "how my kind-hearted sister had that heartless killer I will never know! Cierra let's go home and you'll meet the nerd that I adore" Patton picked her up and went to the castle and Cierra booked to the library (pun intended) 

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