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Rapunzel felt her throat close up as she turned to look directly into her Mother's eyes, she tried to act like she wasn't scared but she was terrified. She had gone against her wishes and left the tower, something which she had promised never to do, it was the one thing her Mother was very clear upon. She could see the rage in her eyes and fought her instinct to shrink away from her.


"Hello, dear." She replied all too cheerfully as she took down her hood so that Rapunzel could clearly see her face.

Rapunzel stammered nervously. "B-but I-I-I don't-" She gulped as she backed up before hitting the tree behind her as her Mother walked forward embracing her into a hug which confused Rapunzel greatly.

"How did you find me?" Rapunzel asked her as she left her Mother continue to hug her confused at her reaction she would of thought she would freak out because anytime Rapunzel had ever dared to bring up the topic of leaving her Tower her Mother had always repaid her with a terrifying glare and a sharp response leading Rapunzel to flee to her room.

"Oh, it was easy, really." She told Rapunzel as she stroked her hair. "I just listened for the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed that." She said sarcastically causing Rapunzel to feel guilt bubble up inside of her.

"Mother." She sighed.

Dahlia broke the hug as she held Rapunzel at arms length. "We're going home Rapunzel." She demanded. "Now." She finalised as she took the girls arm but Rapunzel didn't budge.

"No, you don't understand. I've been on this incredible journey, and I've seen and learned so much! I-I even met someone." She confessed to her Mother who looked disgusted at what she was saying.

"Yes, the wanted thief. I'm so proud." She droned as she grabbed her arm again dragging her along this time. "Come on, Rapunzel."

Rapunzel struggled against her grip. "Mother, wait. I think...I think he likes me..." She confessed biting back a smile.

Dahlia turned to face the girl getting irritated, she didn't need her falling for some guy and trying to run off with him she had that once already and look where it got her. She just needed to convince Rapunzel that life outside the tower was meaningless and dark, and nothing good could ever come from it. "Likes you? Please, Rapunzel, that's demented!"

Rapunzel looked up at her Mother with a hurt expression not understanding why she would say such a thing. "But Mother I-" Rapunzel tried to explain to her Mother that she was now old enough to look after herself and she thinks that she's proven that from today, but Dahlia cut her off not wanting to hear it.

"This is why you never should have left, this whole romance that you've invented just proves your too naive to be here. Why would he like you?" She asked Rapunzel causing her to frown, she didn't think she was that bad.

"Come on now, really. Look at you! You think that he's impressed?" She asked the girl running a hand through her hair. "Don't be a so naive Rapunzel he's only using you..."

"No!" Rapunzel refused.

"No?" Dahlia nearly laughed at her response never having heard Rapunzel defy her before. She was getting bold. "Oh, I see how it is. Rapunzel knows best, Rapunzel's so mature now such a clever grown-up Miss." She taunted her as she walks up to Rapunzel patting her head.

"Fine, if you're so sure...Go ahead and give him this!" Dahlia held out Flynn's satchel in front of her which contained the priceless amulet that he stole from the Mikaelson's.

"How did you?..."

"This is why he's here, don't let him deceive you. Give it to him, you'll see." She told her slyly knowing that her plan would work. She would make her believe that she was okay with it but behind the scenes she would be pulling the strings and once Rapunzel came back to her willingly and heartbroken she would never even want to leave the tower again.

"I will give it to him." Rapunzel replied stubbornly knowing that there was a part of her that doubted herself.

"Trust me, my dear that's how fast he'll leave you." She snapped her fingers in Rapunzel's face. "I won't say I told you so. No, Rapunzel knows best, right? So, if he's such a dreamboat. Go ahead, put him to the test." She turned and walked away into the darkness leaving Rapunzel.

"Mother, wait!" She called out to her not wanting to fight as they never have before.

"Well, If he's lying, don't come back to me crying. Mother knows best." And with that she disappeared into the night, leaving Rapunzel to stare down at Flynn's satchel contemplating on what to do with it.

"So, hey uh. Can I ask you something?" Rapunzel heard Flynn's voice ask from a distance as he came back to their spot. "Is there any chance that I'm going to get super strength in my hand? Because I'm not gonna lie that would be pretty cool, and then I could just... POW." He jungled the fire wood in one hand as he made a slicing motion with the other. "And anyone that came into contact would be-" He stopped himself mid sentence as he saw Rapunzels back to him knowing that she wasn't listening to a word he said.

"Hey, you all right?" He asked concerned.

Rapunzel turned around trying to act unbothered. "Oh! Sorry, yes. Just um...lost in thought, I guess." She sighed watching Flynn lay down the wood to continue their fire.

He shrugged not looking too much into it as he carried on his previous conversation. "I mean cause here's the thing superhuman good looks, I've always had them as you can tell, born with it." He digressed as Rapunzel looked behind her discreetly at the tree where she had hidden his satchel hoping that he wouldn't find it. "But superhuman strength. Can you imagine the possibilities of this?

Rapunzel had sort of drowned out his voice as she was stuck in her own thoughts. Wondering whether her Mother was right that she truly was naive and all Flynn-Eugene wanted was his satchel back and that's the only reason why he still stuck with her. Maybe she was better off back home in her tower where no one could ever disappoint or hurt her.


So I've officially changed Flynn's (Eugene's) fc yo Charlie!! Also going to be introducing Josh in the next chapter.

Sorry this one is short but we're like half way through the plot kind of and i don't want my chapters to be insanely long so I'm trying to break it up a bit.

What do you guys think? Please Vote, Comment, Share and Follow!! I've hit 800! I've probably jinxed it now but oh well thank you guys so much ♥️

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