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(back at home)

The theme song for the office blared throughout the house me stacy nle and tecca were playing video games and watching a movie then I got a call from a number I've never seen before.

y/n:uum hello?

??:Hi is this y/n garcia? I sat there in shock all the boys stopped and looked at me that was my real dads last name I haven't been called that in years.

y/n:who is this?

??:well if you are y/n garcia than i'm your dads girlfriend

y/n:I was adopted and my birth father is in jail

??:he got out almost a year ago and I had his kid.

y/n:yes I am y/n garcia and your kid should not be around the father you need to seperate from him asap.

??:i know thats why I called you I was wondering if you could take your 5 month old sister just until I get enough money to get a place far away and you can visit us anytime after that. I looked up at stacy and he looked scared for his life.

y/n:ok ok I will talk to my roomates and try to get you and my sister out of there away from her dad.

??:ok my name Yasmin just let me know.

y/n:ok thank you for calling bye bye. We hung up and I turned to the boys.

tecca:what are you gonna do?

nle:You need to help them.

y/n:ik but its not just up to me I live with so many other people and i dont know if stacy wants to help raise my little sister.

stacy:you've told me how dangerous your dad was before you cant let them be in that type of danger and if the other people in the house dont wanna help them then we can move out and help them.

y/n:I'll call a house meeting tomorrow but we gotta get some sleep.

(next day) 

I woke up at six am and showered I did my hair and put on this:

I went downstairs and made food then ate I left the extra food on the counter with a note:Heres breakfeast I'm going to my parents and starbucks be back at noon!! Love ya guysps:srry stacy didnt wanna wake ya

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I went downstairs and made food then ate I left the extra food on the counter with a note:Heres breakfeast I'm going to my parents and starbucks be back at noon!! Love ya guysps:srry stacy didnt wanna wake ya.

I went to go say bye to kouvr and alex scince they never sleep and went to starbucks. I got my coffee and shortly arrived at my parents.


ski:damn shut the fuck up

y/n:Well im not hungover

ally:nice to see you

juice:were's stacy?

jah:yea you guys are literally glued together. We all laughed I had done a bit for alex's vlog were we tried to glue ourselves together.

y/n:i have some news

juice:what is it?

ally:good or bad?

y/n:I dont know anyway A girl named Yasmin called me yesterday she is my birth dad's girlfriend and they had a kid but my dad is dangeous and she is scared for her 5 month old sister so she asked if I could take my sister for a little bit until she gets a place far away from my dad and I have to talk to the rest of the house to see if its ok to have a little girl around.

jah:what are you gonna do?

y/n:I dont know yet dumbfuck!

ski:damn you really stressed out.

ally:try to help them no matter what.

juice:thats the right thing to do.

y/n:thanks guys im gonna go talk to the house me and stacy will be over later for dinner.

ally:kk byee. 

(back at the hh)

y/n:IM HOME!!


y/n:I have news we needa call a house meeting. He called a house meeting and we all sat in the living room I explained that I need to help my three year old sister. They agreed then most left to get food I stayed with stacy,avani,kouvr and mia.

mia:so you need to call the mother.

y/n:your right. I called her she answered on the first ring.


y/n:Hello so I can get a ride to your house and get her what his her name?

yasmin:OH her name is Yennez ik its a strange name but she loves it.

y/n:aww when should I come?

yasmin:I can have her ready to go by 4:00

y/n:ok see you then. I hung up and layed on the couch.

avani:you okay?

y/n:yea just nervous.

kouvr:its okay.

mia:yea were all here to help you

stacy:she's so young tho.

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