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My mom disappeared from my life as soon as I was born,which left me to my dad.

My dad turned psycho, though I had no control over.

But later on he had left me all alone in this house and disappeared away from me and my life.

I left the house and was on my way to school per usual.

"Watch where you going whore" a random boy yelled  suddenly bumping into me.

"Sorry" I said looking down. They just walked off laughing.

"Tch the only reason why I'm not beating the hell out of you is so I don't stand out Tch scums."I said to myself

I heard there was going to be a party at some popular girls house.

But I was not invited as usual so I didn't really care.

"What a shitty life huh" I said.

As I was walking into school I kept getting pushed left and right by a running crowd.

"Tch must be those popular boys"i said to myself.

As regular the popular group of boys was getting cheered on as they walked the hall.

I mean they were cute but I could've cared less.

(Jake POV)

As always me and my boys got cheered on I loved it..I loved the attention.

As all of us went outside I had to do a dare since I lost a game earlier.

"Jake we didnt forget your still doing that dare"sunoo said

"Yeah yeah hurry up and give me the damn dare"I said

"I've notice a person recently..they don't talk to anyone at all they just walk the halls ,the crazy thing is they don't even look at us!"sunoo said

"Ahh I think I know who you are talking about.."niki said

"Ah! That's right they are in your class Jake"Jungwon said

"Mm I think the name was y/n.."I said

"Yes I heard your teacher calling them that!"Niki said

"Yes I dare you to ask y/n out you have to go out with y/n for 3 months after that break up with y/n in the most baddest way possible!"sunoo said

"Isn't that a little too harsh"Jungwon said

"I'll do it"I said

"Oh? Sounds like a deal"sunoo said

Later on that day I waited outside of the school building.

Getting ready to ask y/n out for a dare.

(Y/n POV)

As I was walking outside..there was a large crowd and everyone was staring at me..there stares looked filled with hate.

Especially the girls.

"What the hell is going on"i said walking past everyone

"Ah y/n!" Jake said from afar

"Why is he calling me? I'm invisible to everyone while he is way above me?!?"I thought to myself.

"Mm?"I said

"Will you go out with me"Jake said.

"What is going on?!?"I thought to myself

"Uh sure"my mouth said out of nowhere

I covered my mouth since it said yes out of nowhere

"Ah I'm so happy!"jake said pulling me into a big hug

"Is this how it feels like to hug someone?.."I thought to myself

We Exchange phone numbers after that. He was the first person in my contact list.

Later on that day I went home.. I was paranoid but remembered that I had the house all to myself now.

2 hours passes and I get a phone call from Jake.

"Can we go out to a cafe? I'd really want to go out with you and get to know you more!"Jake said

"Oh Um sure"I said

"I'll pick you up get ready!"jake said

"Okay"i said while hanging up the phone.

"This is the first time I can actually wear some clothes out that I bought online!"I thought to myself.

I went threw my closet to pick out a cute outfit I got off a clothing app.

I looked on YouTube for some makeup tutorials and tried it.

As I was done I went a looked into the mirror.

"AHHHH"i said flying back surprised

"Is that me?"I said while touching my face.

"Woah I'm...pretty?"i said.

*knock knock knock*

I heard from my door.

I grabbed my phone and wallet while running downstairs.

I quickly went downstairs to open the door and it was Jake.

He just stood there he looked shocked.

"Are you okay?"I said

"Oh I'm fine let's go"Jake said while grabbing my hand and leading me to the car.

He opened the door for me and we drove off to the cafe.

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