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After school the bell rang I started to collect my bag and homework.

"Y/nn!" Taehyun called out from the door.

"Ah taehyun"I said.

I quickly gathered my stuff and went to taehyun.

"Hi! Y/n, shall I walk you home?"taehyun said dramatically.

"yes you may" I said jokingly.

As me and taehyun were walking down the hallway I heard Jake call my name.

"Gosh what does he want?"I thought to myself.

"I'll just act like I can't hear him."I thought.

"Y/n?"taehyun said.

"Hmm?"I replied.

"Are you ignoring that boy?Do you perhaps need my help?" Taehyun asked.

"Your help? Sure?"I said confusingly

Taehyun hold my hand and kissed my forehead.

"oh.."I said surprised.

"Y/n, I love you."taehyun said.

"I love you too"I said nervously acting.

We finally got out of the school gates and started walking home.

Taehyun was still holding my hand, though I barely know him it feels like we are an actual couple...

"Taehyun...we are still holding hands."I said Nervously.

"Ah that's right, sorry about that." Taehyun said while releasing our hands

" problem! You were a big help, thank you!"I said while smiling.

Taehyun just stared at me..

"Taehyun?"I said.

"Your smile is really pretty"taehyun said.

"Oh really uhm thanks!"I said.

"Y/n.."Jake said from behind us.

I looked back and seen him, he seemed mad and looked like he had so many emotions running threw him.

"Who is he?"jake said.

"I'm her boyfriend."taehyun said while moving in front of me.

"Y/ moved on that fast?I actually really do love you! I still do..yes it was a dare but I ended up actually falling for you.."Jake said as a tear fell from his eye.

I couldn't bare this feeling I wanted to get out of the situation..I also didn't want taehyun to feel uncomfortable.

"Taehyun. Let's go."I said while grabbing his arm.

"All you do y/n is run away, why can't I ever explain my side? I love you y/n!"jake said.

I quickly walked off with taehyun to the nearest store..I felt bad but yet mad.

"Taehyun go home okay? Forget about me..I want some time alone."I said.

"But how could I just leave you like this?!" Taehyun said.

I hugged taehyun.

"Taehyun, I got this okay? Please just go..I'm insisting you to go so just do it okay?"I said.

Taehyun was silent for 10 seconds.

I released the hug and look up at him.

"Okay I'll go now, let's hang out next time!" Taehyun said as he walked off.

"Yeah, sure!"I yelled.

I sighed and laid my back on the wall..

"Gosh what has my life turned into?"I thought to myself.

I sat for there just dozing off.

2 hours had passed and I didn't even notice.

I collected my thoughts and realized how long i had been outside.

"Crap!"I said as I got up and started walking home.
As I was walking home I seen someone lying on the a bench.

As I got closer I noticed it was Jake.

I just sat there staring at him debating if I should stay or go.

I decided to stay and sat next to him.

He woke up as soon as I sat down.

"Crap..why'd you have to wake up now?"I thought to myself.

"Y/n?"jake said.

"Why are you sleeping out's cold"I said while looking away.

"I don't know for myself."jake said.

"Gosh"I said.

"Maybe if we hugged we could be warmer."jake said while sitting up.

"Maybe.."I said nervously.

Jake hugged me and started to kiss my neck.

"Jake!" I said

"I'm making you warmer with my kisses."jake said.

"I'm already warm enough quit it."I said.

"Let's go to my house"Jake said.

I hesitated but said yes.

"I hope this is the best decision"I said to myself.

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