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A couple of hours passed since then, i went back into my room to get ready for the hangout.

"This is going to be so fun! I can't wait to see my boyfriend again!"cho said.

"Your boyfriend?"I asked.

"Yeah? Jakes my boyfriend, he's so cute!!"cho said.

I just looked at her and turned around.

"Woah your actually pretty when you get all dressed up"cho said.

"Thanks.."I said.

"Make sure not to go next to Jake, Jake is mines and we are dating, your actually really pretty, don't let me ruin that face of yours"cho said.

I got really mad and annoyed and snapped.

"Who are you to tell me who to go next to and who not to go next to!? We aren't even close! Your not even my friend!"I said while yelling at her.

"Then you try the threaten me not to go next to my own boyfriend! Your a damn psycho!"I yelled.

"Did you forget who your talking to?"cho said with the scary face again.

"Forget this!"I said while walking out the door.

I went and drank some water to cool myself down.

I sighed, "I should go to jakes room for the hangout"I said while getting up.

I walked up to Jakes groom and open the door to see cho all over jake and everyone else sitting in a circle.

"Y/n!"jake ran up and hugged me.

"Woah y/n you look really good"jake said.

"Ah thanks"I said.

"Jake do I look good?"cho asked.

"Oh yeah uh sure"Jake responded.

"Come on guys let's sit down"heeseung implied.

We all sat down and got comfortable.

Cho would not let jake breath, she was all over him...

"What's her problem"I thought.

"Jake why don't you come here and get comfortable"I said.

"Ohhh~?"Jungwon said

"Sure"Jake said while coming towards my way.

He laid in between my thighs, I started to stroke his hair.

"So boys..how long is this dare going to last?"cho said.

"How do you know about the dare?!"jake sat up and asked.

"Did you hear us talking about it?"sunoo asked

"I'm confused"I said

"Oh I'll fill you in!"cho said.

"Wait no!"jake said.

"Why?" I said in confusion

"Jake is dating you as a dare, I thought you knew this!?"cho said.

I sat there in silence the room was silence.

"It's not true y/n!"jake said.

Then it all came back to me,"so that's what Jake was talking about over the phone "a dare" mm" I thought to myself.

"Oh"I said

"Are you okay y/n..?"sunghoon asked

"Yeah..I should go now"I said while smiling

"Wait!"jake said while grabbing my arm

"Please don't touch me"I said while leaving

As soon as I left the room I ran out of the hotel, it was raining.

"Ahh this feels nice. "I said as the rain fell on my face

(Jakes POV)

"Cho! What's your problem!?"I said

"What? I did this for us, now we can be together"cho said holding onto my arm.

"Get off me, get out my room cho"I said

"What why?"cho asked.

"Get out!"I yelled.

"Fine I'll see you later"cho said while walking out the door

"You fell for y/n didn't you..?"heeseung asked

"I did"I said while sitting in my bed.

"Gosh this is a mess"sunoo said

"I'll go look for her"I said

"Good luck"sunghoon said

(Y/n POV)

"Since when did the rain feel so good" I said to myself.

I sat at a bench and continued to let the rain fall on me.

"Y/n!"jake called.

"Leave, please"I said.

Jake walked over to the bench I was sitting on and sat right next to me.

"Please forgive me, I'm sorry"Jake said

I stood up and started to suddenly cry.

"I opened up to you, Your know the reason why my first love...is fake"I said while crying.

"I hope you know that..your the reason why I'll have trust issues again"I said while walking off.

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