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(Y/n POV)

Jake had took me to his home and I immediately fell to the ground out of pain.

"Y/n!"jake said.

"I'm fine"I said while trying to stand up,but immediately fell back down.

"Here let me help"Jake said while carrying me onto his bed.

He laid me down,it was nice and comfy. I felt as if I could just sleep this pain away.

"Y/n."Jake suddenly called out.

I turned my head over to him in response.

"Are you okay? Are you hurting or something?"Jake asked.

I suddenly had the urge to tell him all about cho.

"Cho!" I said

"Cho..?"Jake said in response

"Cho she is bad really bad...not trustworthy at all. Don't trust her"I said

"Huh? No way cho is bad..though I had a bad feeling earlier but no way"Jake said.

I raised up my sleeve to show him my wounds she had caused me.

His eyes suddenly widened.

"Y/n! Are you okay! I'll be right back!!"jake said running off to get bandages.

He came back in a hurry and started wrapping my arm.

"How did this happen?"jake asked

"I told you didn't I? Cho did this..."I said with a tear suddenly falling out of my eye.

"Y/n I'm sorry. It's my fault...I'm sorry I'm so so sorry."Jake said suddenly while hugging me

I felt tired really tired.

"Sleep"I said drowsily

"Okay go to sleep okay?"jake said while laying me down

I fell asleep to wake up to Jake talking on the phone.

"You seem to be taking this dare seriously."I heard someone over the jakes phone say.

"No's all an act anyways..liked I'd actually like her"jake said

"Mm must be a dream"I said while falling back to sleep.

(Jakes POV)

4 hours had pass since y/n had fell asleep. We had an upcoming field trip soon.

"I should sleep...but how? This is the first time I had someone on my bed...sleeping in my house!"I thought

"Mm..."I thought to myself.

I moved onto the bed big spooning y/n.

"Warm..nice"I thought to myself

"I want to stay like this forever..I like it"I said while dozing off.

(Y/n POV)

I woke up to something hugging me from the back.

It was jake, my heart suddenly began to beat fast..really fast.

"Why am I feeling like this!?"I said to myself

I never really realized my strong feelings for's like it was all just coming to me.

I fell asleep.



I woke up in Jakes bed to the sunlight beaming in my eyes.

"Mmm"I said while going downstairs.

"Ah! Y/n good morning I made you breakfast"jake said while pointing at the table.

"Mm thanks"I said.

I did my morning routine at sat on the couch with Jake.

"Jake.."I said.

"Yeah?"he replied.

"Yesterday don't get me wrong but I heard you on the phone yesterday talking about a dare.."I said while looking down.

"I don't know if it's was a dream of not you actually like me?"I asked while looking into Jakes eyes.

(Jakes POV)

Suddenly y/n asked me about last night. My heart felt like it had stopped.

"Of course I like you! I'm dating you after all"I said

"Oh.."y/n said while looking down.

(Y/n POV)

I suddenly felt relief.

"Well that a relief!"I said while smiling.

Jake looked shocked.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Are you okay?"I asked Jake.

"Yeah it's just...when you's really cute."jake said. 

I suddenly felt my heart beat fast.

"Hey don't suddenly tell me that!"I said slightly hitting Jake.

"Ah ah I'm sorry my beautiful's not my fault I cannot help but blush at that beautiful smile of yours"jake said foolishly

I suddenly bursted out laughing.

"Man your funny"I said while laughing.

"Dear dear my love even your laugh matches that beautiful face of yours" jake said.

I felt happy. I suddenly felt the urge to do a big move.

I kissed Jakes cheek.

"I should go to your room now."I said while running off in embarrassment.

(Jakes POV)

"Man if y/n doesn't stop I'll actually fall hard. Dammit I already like y/n enough what is wrong with me..this isn't going as planned"I thought to myself.

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