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"Mmm"I said as we kissed.

Suddenly the skateboard started to shift left and right.

Jake released our kiss trying to balance us again.

Before I knew it we were falling off the skateboard.

Since I was in the front of the skateboard I was falling in a position where I'd fall first then Jake would follow causing him to fall on top of me.

But before I knew it jake quickly grabbed me by my waist and turned me around letting me fall on top of him.

"Agh"I groaned as we fell.

I laid there for a second then came to realize what Jake did for me.

"Jake? Are you okay?"I asked as sat up right next to him.

"Mm..y/n"Jake said as he pulled me for a hug.

"Jake..answer me"I said.

(Jakes POV)

"Did y/n get hurt? I hope y/n's okay"I thought to myself as I hugged y/n.

"Jake! Let's go to my house okay? We'll check to see if there's any wounds on you."y/n said.

I could tell y/n was freaking out, cute.

We got up and went to y/n's house, it wasn't far away since we were already close to y/n's house.

(Y/n's POV)

"Let's check if you have any wounds so we can disinfect it."I said.

"I'm fine"jake said.

"You won't be fine if you don't disinfect."I said.

"Y/n."Jake said as he used his puppy eyes.

"Gosh he's so cute"I thought to myself.

"No, come on."I said while snapping myself back into reality.

"Hmph fine, I'm not forgiving you" jake said as he pouted.

"Yeah yeah" I said.

We sat down and I raised up the back of Jakes shirt to see scratches.

"I'll go get some alcohol so you don't get infected okay?"I said.

Jake didn't say anything he just sat there angry at me.

"He's like a puppy"I thought to myself as I walked off to the kitchen.

I entered my kitchen and reached into my cabinet to grab my cleaning supplies until suddenly I felt a hug from the back.

"Y/n, please don't do this, I love you y/n"jake said.

"your so stubborn."I said.

I seemed calm on the outside but I was burning in the inside, my heart was beating fast.

"He sure does know how to tease someone."I said to myself.

"Y/n."Jake said as he kissed my neck.

"Stop Jake go sit down"I said as I pushed his head back.

"Mm"Jake groaned.

"Fine, I'm really not forgiving you"jake said as he walked off.

I let out a sigh, "is he stupid? He is teasing me so much I don't even think he is aware of it"I said to myself.

I collected all the supplies I needed and went over to Jake.

"Mmmm..."he groaned as he seen me walk over.

I sat down next to him and got my supplies out.

"Come on Jake I don't want you to get an infection."I said.

"Hmph" is all he said.

"If you let me do this...I'll let you kiss me all you want"I said as I looked down.

"Hm? Since when did I need your permission to kiss you?" Jake said as he held my chin up.

Then Jake suddenly kissed me.

"Jake!"I said as I backed up In shocked.

"This dangerous"I thought to myself.

"Fine fine hurry and disinfect my back, it hurts" jake said as he turned around.

I walked up to Jake and started to put alcohol on his back.

"Mmph"Jake groaned

"I'm so sorry, are you okay"I said. 

Jake turned around and hugged me, He let a big sigh out.

"You hurt me so kiss me now" jake whispered in my ear.

This time I couldn't jump back like a always did since jake was hugging me tight.

"What's wrong? Not pulling back? Kiss me y/n"Jake kept teasing me.

I'm sick of getting teased..I thought of ways to tease him but nothing came in mind.

Since his neck was next to my mouth I decided to breath next to his neck.

"Gahh!"jake went backwards.

"My's sensitive.. "Jake said as his neck turned red.

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