Pink Diamond/pearl x human FReader

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[Also this is when Pink decided to visit Earth as herself as Pink Diamond not Rose Kay? Poly lesbian loveeeee 🥺]

"My diamond, Do you still think this is a good idea?" Pearl questioned, still unsure if they should continue this plan of theirs.

"Yes Pearl! I'm sure!! That human.. that human that I saw at that beach! I promised them I would see them again!" Pink responded, holding up her fists with determination.

Pearl sighed, blushing when reminded of that human.

Pink Diamond and Pearl explored Earth, Pink played win the sand, as Pearl stared and watch not wanting to get Dirty.

There, a Women, took Pearl's Attention as the women entered her sight.

"My Diamond? A female Human being has entered the beach.." Pearl warned, Pink smiled, getting up and clapping her hands to get rid of the soft warm sand. She turned around to see the women. She smiled wider as she walked over, seeing the women take ... camp? No she was setting down a blanket.

"Hello!!" Pink shouted, gaining the women's attention.
You gasped a bit,
seeing a strangely pink giant women that seemed like a girl right off of an anime you watched wasn't on the list of to-do's today but hey she was cute.
You smiled back and waved,
"Can I join you??" The pink lady said as she sat down, still taller. You nodded, mumbling a yes.

Pearl walked over,

"I'm Y/N L/N.. nice to meet you.."
You mumbled, putting a hand on the back of your neck, reaching out a hand which the lady took happily. Her hand was bigger than yours and took half of your entire arm but that didn't matter.

"I'm Pink Diamond! What a pleasure to met you human Y/N!!" She shouted, even more happier to find out your name. You laughed at how cute she sounded. She blushed a bit by your laughter.

"And you? Cutie with blue eyes?" Your E/C orbs went over to Pearl who didn't expect you to ask for her name. She flustered a bit before shaking her head and answering..

"I'm Pearl.." She mumbled,

"What beautiful names, both of ya." You took a seat, on your blanket where Pink's knees were also on the blanket.

Pearl and Pink cheeks roses flustered. But shook it off.


Pink walked over the same beach where you two met. Her heart doing backflips as she saw you on the same blanket.

Pearl smiled at Pink's reaction.

They made their way over,

"Hey!!" She spoke, you turned around with a grin. Standing up to greet the two

"Ohh hello there! It's you two again, missed ya! How's it been?" You put both hands on your hips, your smile never fainting.

"It's been.. ehh— boring.. but I'm happy that I'm here now!!" Pink responded, sitting down to at least try to measure your height.

Pearl nodded, agreeing.

You let out a laugh, taking a seat and patting the sit next to you for Pearl to take which she did.

"Ohh can you please tell me more about your adventures here?" Pink spoke without hesitation.

You let out a chuckle.
"Alright alright, soo it was me and my brother John, we were on a boat traveling the beach City's ocean right? while we were travelin'  We noticed a bunch of grey clouds in the sky!!" You waved your arms around, your voice changing pitch to make it sound more dramatic. Even pearl was interested in your stories but she never admitted it.

As the three talked and laughed on the warm beach, The sun burning the sand.

The three enjoyed their company, warmth and happiness filled the Air..

As you finished up your story with the dramatic ending, striking a pose after you got up. Pink clapped her hands and laughed while Pearl smiled and clapped also.

Your grin never fainting you sat back down again, you took out your phone to check the time..  it was getting late..

"Ahh, sorry to cut this time short but I gotta head home.." You mumbled, a frown appearing on your face, Pink sadden.

"Aww.. that soon!?" Pink huffed her cheeks, stubbornly.

Pearl sighed,
Sadden but knowing you had to leave at some point.

"Don't worry! Even if I'm not here I'll always be in your hearts! And anyway, same time tomorrow?" You responded with a warm smile.

They paused, then smiled nodding their heads.

You got up and placed the blanket back into your bag as you picked up all your objects. They watched as you took your leave, waving back at them with a smile they never forget.

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