💘PinkAU Steven💘

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Steven exits his ship, with a Jasper begin him. His foot landing on a field of grass and flowers. He glares around, smirking to himself,

"So this is all mine?" He spoke, knowing clearly he was speaking to the Jasper behind him.

"Yes my diamond." Jasper responds,

Steven then motions Jasper back to the ship, which she slowly follows orders. As the door shuts behind him, He walks around for a bit then met with a cliff, but it wasn't the cliff that caught his eye, No. It was you, the way the sunlight appeared on half your face as you stood sideways, on a blanket, on the beach, wearing a sundress (if guy, a cute outfit) your short/long hair blowing in the wind, as you sat on the blanket, on the sand. You were at the end of the blanket, building a sand castle with the Sand. Your soft smile made him wonder the gushy feeling he had in his stomach. He gripped his shirt, as he grew confidence, and jumped himself down from the cliff,

Landing on his feet, though you do not hear his footsteps as he heads over to you with a curious glare, and a questionable smirk.

He was then noticed by you when you realized the sun was not burning your skin, and yet met with a shadow, your c/e orbs met his pink eyes. You give him a soft, closed eyed smile, along with a question.

"Hello.. May I help you with something?" Your cute voice could make this man question if you were real or not, just by how perfect you seemed at first glance.
He straightened his back and his confidence, leading him.

"So, you must be a human.. everything on this planet belongs to me, including... you." He explained as he pointed at you, you let out a giggle.

"I don't think that's possible, are you the president?" You said in a teasing manner, but what you didn't realize, you were talking to a powerful diamond, who could do what he pleases with you.. if he wanted to kidnap you that is.

"The.. what?" His curiosity grew as he titled his head, then cleared his throat and began again,
"I am Pink Diamond, but you can call me .. Steven.. " He didn't bother reaching out his hand in welcome, due to him knowing all gems respect him, but you thinking this is a joke.

"Pink.. diamond? Uhm.. okay.. Steven, I'm Y/N.. Y/N L/N." You reached your hand out though, he .. took it, but in a few seconds after you reached out. Your name was calming to hear, if his planet was his, He wanted you to come with him. To his zoo...

"Your coming with me." He spoke as he turned his heel to the opposite direction towards the cliff, he jumped off to head over to you.

"Wha.. what? I don't think my parents would let me go into a strangers hom-" Your paragraph interrupted by a sudden grab at your arm which triggered you to stand up and walk, his grip on you was hard but not enough to hurt in any way.

"H-hey!" You shouted, trying to earn his attention but only getting silence in response. As you realize he was walking you to the cliff, which was a dead end, you stopped walking, which made him stop and turn back at you in question.

"Hey! I don't even know you! You can't be taking random people with you where ever you please! And besides, that's a wall we're walking into!" You yelled, as you pointed at the cliff, he stared at you for a moment before letting out a chuckle. He thought it was cute to see you angry. His grip on your arm loosens and then wrapped around your waist and pulls you closer to him, your arms on his chest as he stares at you, your face on the other hand was a flustered mess. He then bends his knees and takes a leap, which makes you wrap your arms around his neck for.. safety reasons duh..

He's surprised at this but keeps walking as you let go, his hand still wrapped around your waist. As you open your mouth to protest against this again, your met with a pink ship, with a Jasper waiting inside who takes a took at you and sighs.. her face showing a hint of "another one?"

You were confused. But knowing as you took a step into the ship,

I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to know somewhere or another. And anyway, this can't be that terrible can it?

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