I've Got You

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I'm hot, my throat is killing me, I can barely breathe out of my nose, and I'm incredibly nauseous. I just want to sleep... I'm exhausted. I can't get comfortable though. The second I find a somewhat comfortable position, I cough or sneeze and everything hurts again.

I can feel Baz glaring at me and part of me wants to just say, 'If you aren't going to sleep either way, then get over here and hold me' but even with my brain barely working, I know that's a bad idea. Instead, I just roll over again, wishing I would puke so my stomach would calm down, or for literally any other comfort.

"Do you know any spells that could make me throw up?" I ask without thinking.

"What? Why?"

"I just want to sleep, but everything hurts. Is there any way you could make me throw up so that my stomach will leave me alone?"

"No. I can't. I don't know what the Anathema would do about something like that, and I don't want to find out."

I groan and close my eyes. "Thanks anyway."

"Just go to sleep, Snow."

"Wow... If only I had thought to try that." I reply sarcastically, my stomach gurgling painfully as I roll over onto my side. I burp and groan softly, stomach acid burning in the back of my throat. "Ngh... You don't have to be so mean."

"Just shut up already. I don't care how sick you are. I will use cat got your tongue on you. It's one in the morning. I want to sleep even if you can't."

Snow groans and his blanket rustles as he flips over for what feels like the hundredth time in the last hour alone. It's almost three in the morning now, and his constant movement coupled with my enhanced hearing is keeping me awake. I know he's uncomfortable, but this was the second night he had kept me up with all of his moving, coughing, and groaning. I want him to shut up already.

"Would you please stop tossing and turning, Snow? You are getting on my last nerve!" I grumble, barely keeping myself from tossing my pillow at his head. Remembering the Anathema was the only reason I managed to restrain myself.

He sighs heavily, causing him to cough before saying, "Sorry that my pain is keeping you awake." His voice is nasally and raspy due to his stuffed up nose and scratchy throat, and he sounds incredibly uncomfortable. He coughs again, sounding a bit like he was choking as he urgently pushes himself up into a sitting position and leans against his headboard. He coughs a few more times and then clears his throat with a sigh, drawing his knees up to his chest. How someone can manage to look so ill, and cute at the same time, I have no idea, but he's doing it. I want to go over and cuddle him, to play with his hair and tell him he'll be okay, but I know it's a terrible idea, so instead I continue to taunt him. What is wrong with me?

"Even if you fell asleep, your snoring sounds like a bloody chainsaw. It's not like I'd be able to sleep that way either."

"I'm sorry okay? I can barely breathe and I'm too achy to get comfortable," he whimpers, sounding like he was about ready to cry. Maybe I really should just leave him alone... He looks away and lets out a couple of rough, painful sounding coughs.

"You could always go somewhere else." I say, rolling my eyes.

He looks back over at me, resting his head on his knee. "Look Baz, I'm sorry. I know I'm being even more annoying than usual right now, but I'm really not-" he's cut off by another cough, "I'm not trying to. I don't mean to keep you awake. I wish I could stop making so much noise, but I-" he tries to clear his throat and ends up going into a violent coughing fit. It doesn't stop for a long time, his face turning red as he gasps for air between coughs.

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