C H A P T E R 4

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Heyy so Ik some of have been waiting but hey we here for a new chapter so here you go. And I changed the teachers name which now Ana because of the show (yes Ik 😭) but anyway enjoy

Eddie wakes just staring at the ceiling, just thinking. What if Shannon wasn't hit with that car. What if he never met ana. What if what if what if is all he would hear himself say. He removes his sheets off him leaving him open to the cold. He picks himself up, rubbing his eyes. He head to open the door to see if Chris was awake and he sees him still asleep. Eddie let's his son sleep a few more hours, turned out it was 5 am. Eddie opens his phone to see bucks number on dial, he calls him asking if buck was up for some breaks and coffee.
Buck immediately wakes up, knowing Chris will probably expect him to be right at the front door when he arrives. 45 minutes later he knocks on the door twice before the door opens revealing Eddie standing aside so buck can make his way to the dining table. Both sit down, making themselves comfortable.
"So buck..you gonna start seeing anyone" Eddie sayid breaking the silence.
Buck waits for a moment to reply "not really, I havnt really found the right person yet" he explained. Both take a sip of the bears Eddie brought for both. "What about you, have you found anyone yet?"

"Um" there was a pause of Eddie just sitting making that face where your confused, you know like with your eyebrows starting to just frown, anyway buck just looks at him fondly, the other man not really noticing how buck is just staring at him for more than a few seconds. He plays a song with soothing rhythms. Both beats, including the sounds his hearts makes.

"I have found someone at least..I think"

"Why do you think?"somehow Eddie doesn't really know the question as to what or why. He knows that it could be something that has to do with Shannon. "I just think cause I've been doing this alone for awhile" takes a sip making a sigh at the end "it's just..all new to me that's all"

"So who's this gal"

"Her name is ana Flores remember?" Buck being absolutely shocked. Last he remember Eddie talking about ana was when he yelled at her," the ana that you yelled at?" Buck says making a grin. Eddie rubs his face," I know..I apologized though"

Buck in his head can't really process all of this because now..he has realized many things. The more he was with Eddie and Chris, he felt less alone as he was before and now with Ana in the picture. He just can't help it. He doesn't like how he feels this jealousy of ana. He really doesn't but it's just so hard because again he now realized how much he loved Eddie. "Oh" was the only thing he said cause in all honesty he doesn't know what to say.

"Why oh?"

"I mean, just go for it. Just see how it goes from there and if there's something then go for it."

The day of work has came. Buck came to work not as exited as he usually is. He sees Eddie waves at him, caring his duffle bag, as both head towards the front entrance of the 118 firehouse. Hen got there a little early, just putting supplies in the ambulance. She sees the two, giving them a warning smile. After that calls just kept coming and coming. There was one call where they had to get a man and a cat down a tree. Luckily Eddie was the one to do both of the rescuing. When they all get back to the station, he hears Bobby's voice yelling for him in his office. Eddie glances up to the direction of the yelling, furrowing his eyebrows. He head up to the office going in slowly.

"Hello Eddie, you have some invitation of some sort." Bobby handing a price of envelope from a person name,"aruni" he says, making Bobby lift up an eyebrow with concern,"you know who that was from"

"Yeah, my cousin from El Paso"

Eddie goes to star at the envelope for a bit later opening it.
Dear Eddie,
Hey cousin!! Hope you doing good!! But it just wanted to say that my quinceañera is coming in a few days. I was hoping you would like to come down to El Paso for my quince. I know you have Christopher and you have a new job and all but I'm really looking forward to you coming. Anyway that's all love you cousin!!
Love, aruni

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