Chapter 17

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~~Tetsuya's POV~~

As we got in the car I was clinging to the twins as I sat in both of their laps "dont go to his house go to the hideout out for now" I looked up at them "may-may I have a phone" they looked at each other and Sejiuro nodded and handed me his phone and I quickly put in Chihiro's number and called him.


"Are you ok Tetsuya"

I took a deep breath

"I need you to follow the signal the phone I am using and do not tell my dad"

I felt a hand being placed on my head and tensed up but it slowly started to pet me which made me slowly relax "do you want me to come with the Uncrowded Kings" I smiled a little

"yes please and tell him it's time to finish his work"

I hung up the phone and laid my head on one of the shoulders while trying to calm my breathing "sleep kitten" without any hesitation I let the darkness over come my vision and I fell asleep.

~~3rd POV~~

Once Tetsuya fell asleep Sejiuro place him between himself and his brother

"Do you really think his dad set the whole thing up"

Seijuro looked at Daiki then glanced at his brother

"what the weird thing is Tetsuya ran into a childhood friend who seemed off and stayed that it was unusual for him to be at those kind of things"

He then looked back at Daiki "then the one that tried to go around and take Tetsuya had the same similar as the childhood friend" Ryota leaned over his seat to look at the twins

"do you want me to get a hold of Momi to have her rather information on this friend"

Both twins glanced down at Tetsuya who was sound asleep with his mouth slightly open while making small snoring sounds

"yes, yes we do"

Both of them spoke at the same time which made goosebumps go down his bad while slightly shaking

"I really hate it when you both do that"

He sat back in his seat to text Momi the new mission she has while the twins were smirking at each.


As they pulled up to their base they all filed out and stood around waiting for their bosses to get their sleeping mate out but as they did 2 people jumped out of nowhere and took him from them but they only did so because the other threw down a smoke bomb to cover their tracks

"do you want us to follow them boss" 

The twins stood there smirking "no because they only took him inside"

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