Chapter 21

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~~Tetsuya's POV~~

I quickly closed the door again and shook my head so I could get rid of that image out of my head before it could cause any problems "now let's take you to Kagami" I made my way to where towards the front door because he should be here any minute.

"Where's your-"

Before he could finish anything else his stomach growled loudly which made him wrap his arms around himself as he he blushed and looked away "ok our first stop is the kitchen" he nodded as we changed directions and went to the kitchen.

Just as I opened the kitchen door I heard both Atsushi and Tatsuya say mate at the same time and look at each other -well well well looks like I accidentally found someone their mate- I felt a small pride smile start to form.

"Atsushi this Is Tatsuya Himuro, he's my friend and Tatsuya this is Atsushi Murasakibara he us my personal chief as well as a hired bodyguard"

I took a steps back and watched the magic work itself "so you can bake and cook" I grabbed a snack from the tray "it's more like I love to" I watched Tatsuya get more and more into Atsushi.

"So you Atsushi found his mate"

I stepped to the side as Kise tried to put arms my shoulders which made him stumble a bit and whine

"I had him brought here so he could meet his long lost brother but it seems I did more then just that"

We stood there for a few minutes watching them trying to flirt which was kind of painful to watch till we heard the doors ring "I'll get it" I turned around and went to the door to see Chihiro hold Kagami by the back of his shirt.

"I brought him as requested"

I smiled "take him to the living room while I get our other guest" he nodded and dragged Kagami along behind him as I turned back to the kitchen and made my way there.

"I don't really mean to interrupt this bit there's someone here I want Tatsuya to meet"

They turn to me and Tatsuya nodded ad he looked back Atsushi "don't worry nothing will happen" he looked at me then at Tetsuya and gave him a approval nod which made me smile.

I grabbed Tatsuya's hand which didn't result in a growl or something

-he probably knows I'm no threat-

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