Chapter 4

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Once pratice was over I went to the locker room get changed and once I did I walked out into the gym "you ready" I looked off to the side to Kagami leaning against the wall while twirling his keys around on his finger

"don't you have to get changed"

he smirked at me

"already did, I had to go to the restroom so I just got changed in there"

With a head nod I picked up my back and made my way to the door with Kagami riggt behind me "have you found a mate" I shook my head no "do you think my father would let me find a mate let alone actually look for one" he laughed a little.

"I would expect him to have a bunch of alpha's lined up for you since you are his only child and being the heir to being the leader of the Shadows".

I put my bag in the back seat as I got in and he did the same "you know I'm surprised your dad is letting us hang out" he smirked "my dad sees you as a son" I smiled "are you going to stay like you usually do" he shook his head no

"sorry dad wants me back as soon as possible".

Once again we pulled up to my house and I grabbed my bag from the back then went to get out "Tetsuya" I stopped and turned to look at him "hmm" he was smiling

"tomorrow the team is going out to eat so be ready"

I leaned back in the chair "don't worry it's in the late as afternoon" I nodded "ok see you tomorrow" I got out and walked up to the house to find it locked so I pulled my keys out and unlocked it.

"I'm back"

"Welcome back Young Master"

I looked up to see Mayuzumi standing there "your back" he bowed to me "sorry my absence" I waved my hands around to get him to stand back up amd luckily it worked

"it's ok you had business to take care of and I was with Kagami but I need to go take a shower I'm sweaty"

He moved to the side so I could go to my room "lunch will be doe shorty" I didn't say anything just put a thumbs up to show him that I heard him then climbed the stairs to my room

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