Chapter 22

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~~Tetsuya's POV~~

They turn to me and Tatsuya nodded ad he looked back Atsushi "don't worry nothing will happen" he looked at me then at Tetsuya and gave him a approval nod which made me smile.

I grabbed Tatsuya's hand which didn't result in a growl or something -he probably knows I'm no threat-.

As we came up to  the living room we saw 2 people peeking into the living room "what are you 2 doing" both of them turn around to look at me.

"Well uhh nothing"

Aomine grabbed Kise's hand and walked off so I just shrugged my shoulders and and walked into the living room "here's your brother" I pushed Tatsuya into the living and watched Kagami's eyes light up.


I watched as they slowly walked to each other then hug "my work here is done" I turned around and slowly made my way back to the room I was in but stopped -what if their- I blushed again and shook my head to get that thought and image out if my head.

"What are you doing just standing here little pretty thing"

I quickly snapped up to see both of the twins standing there with smirks on their faces "what's got you blushing" 1 of them grabbed my chin and made me look up at him while the other wrapped his arms around me and made his hands move all over my stomach.


I blushed even more while trying to look away which didn't really work "well anyways we need to go to our office for something and we're taking you with us" I forgot all about my blushing as I looked at Sejiuro

"wh-what do you mean I'm going"

They chuckled "where our bastard of a father is and we want you to go" I glanced at Seijuro as he rested his chin on my shoulder "why do you call him a bastard" I looked back at Sejiuro

"he wanted only one child which was Seijuro and we both we're born he paid more attention to Seijuro and was mentally and emotionally abusive to me and our mom"

"But when our mom died he started to take it his anger on both of us"

I felt my blood start to boil -how dare someone treat my mates in such a way-  "we laid out an outfit we found that will make you the most beautiful person ever" I felt some of my anger subsided a little bit.

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