Chapter 1

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The big evil thing spread along the floor, slow as a snail, devouring everything in its path. I glared at it, thinking my stare can stop time. But it kept on coming, slowly, towards me. I have to do something before it reaches the end. I grabbed my weapon, the towel, and stretch it to the length of my arms. Spreading my legs out, I got ready for battle. Eyes narrowed I counted to three. One... two... THREE! I jump onto the villain, making it splash. Oh no! Water droplets scattered all over the already cleaned floor. I sighed. So that's how you want to play it. Well then, bring it on! I thought. The kiddies started spreading big like their mama. I shouldn't have kicked that bucket. Now I have to fight the devil. On my knees I cleaned vigorously and quickly before my mum, Seraphim, comes home. I ran around the giant puddle, getting rid of its dirty germs. The towel instantly got wet so I had to get another towel. It took me a while to get rid of it, but I managed it. I smiled to myself as I threw the wet things in the laundry and headed upstairs for a bath, needing to get the dirt off of me. Staring out the window in my bedroom, I dried my dark maroon hair as I thought of all those sad people. This world is always surrounded in darkness. Even the lightbulbs don't give off much light. Most people around here doesn't even smile, or even give a hint of a smile.

"Kaeya, get yourself down here before I get you down myself!" Mum yelled. I flinched out of my head and stumbled downstairs. When did she come home? I didn't even hear the door shut. She was my adopted mother. I was five years old when my house was on fire. Apparently, according to Seraphim, I was rescued by the fireman that were there and as she wanted to be a foster parent she took me in. But for some reason, I have this wired feeling that... it's not true. Or that there was more to it. And every time I try to figure it out, black spots cover the corner of my eyes and a really bad headache suddenly appears. And it was so painful, that I sometimes even faint right then and there. I couldn't think anymore. I really didn't feel like a headache. My adopted father also died at the age of forty with cancer when I was about 8 years old. So, it was just me and mum. I slowly walked down the creaky stairs and saw her. She looked like a demon that has taken control over her. She literally had smoke coming out of her ears. She was very angry. But... Why?

"What wrong, mum?" I asked, confused.

"The kitchen is what's wrong! There is a hell lot of water on the counter!" mum bellowed. I looked toward the kitchen. And there was nothing there! No glossy, shiny thing on the bench that shows that there is water. I was furious! I do my chores properly, and she said if I do them, I can have a break. But every single day, it's something different. I guess today, it was the kitchen's turn.

"There's nothing there though" Like literally.

"I don't care! I want you to do it until your hands break!" She yelled, her face pinched with pure fury.

"Why, mum! There is nothing there! What's the point in doing it all over again! What's the big deal? Every single day you call me downstairs to tell me that I have done something wrong. Do you just want me to work for you every day instead of being your daughter? Fine. Consider me your slave from now on!" I let out all my anger and frustration. But couldn't stop myself from letting the tear fall from my eye. I quickly wiped it frustratedly. I stared at her while she kept her mouth shut but her eyes spitting with anger. My vision starts to become blurry and my eyes start to sting. I closed my eyes tight, trying not to let any tears slip away. When I opened my eyes again, she was still rambling crap.

I groaned "FOR CRAPS SAKE, SERAPHIM!" I turned around and stomped back upstairs. By the time I took two steps, mum yelled, "You do not turn your back on me young lady! You do not!" I heard her say something about me being such a despicable child, but the rest faded out as I slapped my bedroom door shut. Tears ran down my face as I jumped onto my bed and screamed on my pillow. Why did my parents have to leave me?

A couple of minutes later, I heard a soft knock on the door. Without even hearing her voice, I already knew who it was. I mean she was the only one in the house.

"Go away!" My face was on top of the pillow, so my voice was a little muffled. I heard the door opening and then closing. I guess she couldn't hear me. I waited until my bed sinks down with the weight of my mum's body, but that never happened. I waited a few more minutes before I looked up. No one was here, but there was a tray with my favourites: rosemary tea and ANZAC biscuits, and a note near the door. Maybe mum left it there. I slowly got up from my bed, trying not to make a noise so my mom doesn't hear me. I tip toe to the door and grabbed the tray. I ate the ANZAC biscuits first then drank the tea. The sweet aroma of the tea wafted through the room. I dragged in a breath, savoring that smell before drinking the tea. And finally, I unfolded the note mum has written:

I'm sorry.

Some apology letter, but I'll accept it. She did bring me my favourite stuff. I opened my drawer. Underneath all the useless stuff was a hidden cabinet I made to put all my important things in. Pulling everything out, I placed everything on my bed. There was a picture of my birth mum and dad of when they got married. There was little burn marks on it, but it didn't get burnt as much in the fire. I placed my parents' picture back into the drawer along with the letter Seraphim wrote and closed it.

I heard the pans banging in the kitchen as I headed down the staircase. I was about to help mum clean up when there was a knock on the front door. Mum turns around and started heading for the door when she saw me.

"Oh, hey" Mum said, "That must be Zerek Ross. He's my friend, Wilfred Ross's, son."

"Oh, okay. Well, can't keep him waiting, then. I'll go open the door" I said pointing and backing towards the door. Mum went to the garage while I went to the door. The second set of knocks came from the door so fast, that when I opened it, he knocked onto my head. I backed away a bit and my hand went instantly to my head. I rubbed at the top of my head at the same time as looking at the one who has assaulted me. From the porch light, I could see his curly black hair. His green eyes pierced through the darkness. He was wearing a dark blue shirt, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and black ripped jeans. I looked back up and glared at him, still rubbing at my head.

"Hi, I'm –"

"Zerek Ross. I know" I cut him off. I turned around and headed to the kitchen to clean up. He closed the door behind him before following me into the kitchen. I went to the sink and started washing the dishes, just needing something to do.

"So... Where's ya mum?" Zerek asked.

"She's in the garage, dunno why." I answered, my back to him. The kitchen chair creak as it tried to hold his weight.

"She's getting something my dad left here a couple of months ago."

"Oh," My hands ached from scrubbing left over eggs from the pan mum used in the morning.

We stayed there in silence; him looking around the room while I was putting back all the dishes to its places. Although it was quite awkward, I like the peace and quiet. That's when Zerek decides to break the silence.

"You have very big ears in this picture." I jumped in alarm and ran over to where Zerek stood, with a picture of me in his hand. I snatched the picture and slammed it face down onto the table it was on. I did that to all the other pictures as well. He gave me an amused look.

"Hey, I doubt you want me swooping on your baby photos!" I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. " And who told you that you could look at all these pictures!" I felt the rush of warm blood flooding my cheeks as I walked away from him and continued doing the dishes.

"No one had to tell me. It was like right there and well I got up and had a looked around." He shrugged.

"I didn't even hear you stand up!"

"I'm known to be always quiet as a mouse," another shrug. I just shook my head frustrated. But before Zerek could say anymore, mum (finally!) entered the room.

"Oh, sorry, for making you stay for so long, here it is. Kind of forgot where I kept them, so it took me a while." She handed the papers to Zerek.

"Don't worry, I had amazing company." He smirked at me and I blushed furiously as I turned around again and continued doing the "dishes". I heard him say goodbye to mum and me, but I just ignored him, and heard the door shut.

I ran upstairs before mum could say anything.

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