Chapter 17

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"Erm... Huh?" I mumbled. I clenched my trembling hands. I have never seen her this angry in my entire lifespan.

"Where on earth were you in the past two hours that you were supposed to be sleeping?" She yelled. I flinched. I would argue with her saying that she never cared for me before, but I kinda hate using the same reason twice. And now I have to think up an excuse before being grounded for the rest of my life. And I did the first thing that came to my head.

"You never saw me at all! You were just, er imagining things! Hoo, hoo, hoo!" I waved my hands around, but just stayed on the same spot, not daring to move. She froze. Her face blank. I cocked my head. I definitely didn't use compulsion. I have tried and failed when Zerek taught me, however when he tried it on someone their eyes go fully white. But... that didn't happen to her. She just look like a statue. No emotion at all. Just a very still and blank-faced person. I slowly walked past her, terrified that she might just pounce on me and yell out that I'm grounded. But nothing happened. I was halfway up the stairs when she stumbled forward.

"Why did I come down here?" She mumbled. Did she forget? Does she think that I was actually not there just a moment ago? I put on my sleepiest face.

"Mum?" I yawned. She turned around and gave a soft smile.

"I'm so sorry if I woke you up honey. I was just heading back up anyways. Go ahead and sleep." I slowly nodded and headed up. As soon as I closed the door I questioned about everything. What just happened? She really acted as if... she has completely forgotten that I had been there. Did I do something? I mean I can read minds, but does that mean I can control them? I better ask Zerek.


My heart thumped against my chest just at the thought of him. What is happening? This never happened when I usually think of him. I shook my head. No, I need to focus on things that needs to be focused. Not distractingly handsome faces, or tall lean and muscular – no! Stop it, Kaeya! I huffed and walked over to my bed and lied down. Then stared up at the ceiling. Beside me I heard the clock tick at every second as the silence kept growing. I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep but thoughts just kept on forming in my head. The queen is my aunt. My mother is alive and well. My mother practically abandoned me and left me with my father who died and was taken in by a stranger. My aunt is not a witch but still can practice magic. Only one sibling can have the full power. Do I have a sibling? Are there anymore relatives that I never knew existed? Was my father a warlock? Or was he human? More and more came in and went out. My head ached from all of it that I quickly jumped off bed and opened my window. Cool, fresh air entered my room and I let out a relieved sigh. I breathed in and out, clearing my head of those thoughts. I'll think about them tomorrow. Right now, I wanted my beauty sleep. After a while, it started to get cold, so I wrapped myself around the warm fluffy blankets and fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of someone banging on my room door. I stirred but left my eyes closed.

"Who is it?" I mumbled, "and what do you want?"

"It's Zerek and I want you!" I jerked up right, suddenly awake. Zerek? What's he doing here? Oh, wait he wants me...WAIT! He wants me? My heart skipped a beat as I thought about what he said. No, it can't be. Maybe he just wants a favor or something. Or maybe he was just early for training or something. He kept on banging on the door.

"I'm coming in if your not going to let me!" Zerek yelled. I was about to let him come in when I realized what I was wearing: A unicorn onesie with bedraggled hair. I was not letting Zerek see me like this.

"Give me a sec!" I called out before rushing into the bathroom. I had the world's quickest shower and hurriedly brushed my teeth. I popped on some of my cool clothes, then decided against it and instead wore my favourite dress: it was long-sleeved (which were laced), had a V-neckline, and a flowy dark blue skirt. The overall dress were blue, but the tope is in a lighter shade. Happy with the choice I finally went to open the door.

To see no one there.

Did I imagine this? Am I in a dream? Nah, it feels so real. I walked down the stairs and saw Zerek sitting on the couch, one leg up and the other on the floor. He looked up when he saw me enter and froze. His eyes drifted up and down and finally met my eyes. I blushed but he hadn't switched on the lights – which I'm glad!

"You wake up from sleep like this?" he asked.

"I-I just had to take a shower because... you sounded urgent." I tried to come up with an excuse and when I did, I knew it had so much faults.

"So, if you knew it was urgent... wouldn't you run out the room without having a shower?" Zerek frowned and I stared at him before an idea came to me.

"Well, I had to be awake, or else I'll be sleeping half-way through the story." Yup! That's definitely why.

He shook his head. "Well anyway, I did come here for an emergency of life and death."

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