Chapter 14

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"Hell to the no!" I pushed him away from me and I crossed my arms.

"Why? It's that or you date me." Zerek smirked, thinking he won. Well, he did. About two seconds ago, Zerek leaned towards me and whispered, "My favour is... for you to get rid of my punishments." I gasped and now I had to choose. Date him or not punish him. Both things I really didn't want to do.

"But I didn't even get to use them at all! Can I at least have one?" I asked him, trying – and failing – to negotiate.

"Nope. You gotta choose. One or the other." He pretended to weigh the options on his hands, and he smirked. I thought about it. I, number one, would never date him. Ever! But I was really planning on punishing him by going shopping with me tomorrow. Urg! I can't believe that was his favor. I bit my lip and looked at him.

"Arg! Fine you win. You officially have zero punishments." Zerek grinned but was a bit disappointed. I bet he wanted me to go out with him. In his dreams. I stood up, and bang! My head exploded into a another well-rehearsed headache.

"Ah!" I gasped and my knees gave way. I really am starting to hate these headaches. It seems to be improving than my magic skills.

"Kaeya? Kaeya!" Zerek's voice became urgent. But when I looked up, I saw worry written on his face. I tried saying I was fine, but the pain was too unbearable to say anything. Something flashed before my eyes. It was me. Touching the gate. Then everything went white. Then nothing at all. But the pain was still there. My body couldn't take it anymore, and I followed the darkness as I collapsed on the floor.

"Kaeya? Help! Kaeya!"

"Kaeya? Kaeya!" My eyes fluttered open and Zerek's concerned face appeared with a cold, wet towel. "You were burning up with a fever. What happened?" I shook my head and tried sitting up but a throbbing pain in my head made me lie back down.

"I don't know what happened, but... I saw things. I saw the gate again, and me reaching for it. And when I did... everything went dark after that." I didn't tell him about some women's voice calling out to me in the vision. It was a bit odd. How does someone know my name? Maybe it was my sun-conscious or something.

"Just lay down and rest. You've got a big dinner tonight." Zerek ordered.

I frowned. "How do you know?"

"I know because I'm the one going to be there. When you were unconscious my father called me saying to get ready for dinner at your place tonight or something like that." A shrug. I sighed.

"You better get going then. I'll be fine." He tried protesting, but I cut him off by giving him a reassuring smile, and he – feeling defeated – sighed and squeezed my hand before leaving. The door shut behind him and I sank in the sheets. I worry him too much. I need to stop doing that. I slowly sat up, trying not to make sudden movements, and leaned my back on the wall. I'm going to have dinner tonight. Great. With two warlocks and a human. Nice to know. I waited on the bed for another couple of minutes or maybe even hours, before getting changed into a cute white dress with pink water-coloured flowers printed on it. It was one of my favourites because it was so bright compared to the night sky. I curled my hair and put half of it up into a bun. A little bit of mascara and... I'm done. I looked at myself and for the second time I notice my eyes. It was so gorgeous. The moon's light reflected against the yellow and orange flecks. There was a rap on the door. If I can see it, then that means others could see it too. I started searching for my contacts I bought when I was in year five, because everyone in my class literally were wearing it. Finding at the very bottom of my bathroom drawer I put them on.

I realize it was the one that looks like I'm blind. Awesome.

Another knock on the door and I opened it to see my mother. She frowned, then looked down.

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