Chapter 4

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I jerked up. Body sweating, arms shaking. It was the weirdest, yet the most-realest dream. It was so real, that I can still remember it. There were so much fire in my dream that I actually felt like I would burn, though it was a dream. Many questions formed into my head. Who was Princess Kraveera? What was happening? Who the hell was General Rhyn? And why can't Kraveera and Rhyn get together? But I do feel very sorry for those two. The guy died before they even got together. Poor thing. If I had to remake that dream, they definitely would've ended up with each other; not dead. Definitely not dead. I hate death. I even hate the words dead, died and death. The freezing cold air blew softly through the open windows above my bedside tables, ruffling the curtains. Shivering, I got up and closed both windows. Even after the windows are closed, I was still shivering. It was the middle of winter, but it was never this cold! Like ever! I my woolly jacket and crept under the covers again and looked at the time. It was eight o'clock. My stomach grumbled at the thought of dinner. But I just got on bed! I couldn't be bothered to get out now! My stomach growled again. I groaned and got off bed. Stupid stomach. Walking downstairs I heard the door shut as mum entered the kitchen.

"Who was it?" I asked, frowning.

She hesitated before saying, "It was Zerek's father um... returning the papers" smiling she made her way to the staircase and shut her bedroom door. That was weird. I thought. Shaking my head, I opened the fridge. Empty. Except for butter and a quarter full orange juice. Opening the pantry, my stomach argued after seeing the, again, empty cupboard. There was not even bread there! I guess I used the last pieces of bread for my sandwich in the afternoon.

"Mum! I'm going to the store to buy some stuff!" I called out. No reply. Maybe she's sleeping. Grabbing mum's keys and a couple of bags, I started the car. I'm supposed to be eighteen years old before starting to drive a car, but no one here really cares about who-drives-when. So, I just rode through town alone and under aged. Well, I won't be underage in a couple of days. We used to celebrate my birthday by going to places I've never been to, but since dad died, mum wasn't willing to take me anywhere. She just bought me the same thing every year: Perfume. I have an entire collection in my room. And I've only used two out of all of them. Though, they do smell nice. I just wished she bought, at least, Channel for me.

Parking in one of the parking slots in front of Sunny's, I killed the engine and laid back against the seat. Five seconds later, my tummy grumbled, reminding me why I'm here. I slapped my stomach and searched the car for my purse. A knock pounded against my fragile window, so loud it was like thunder. I jolted upright and turned to the window. I squinted, trying to see who was outside. Through the dim light I could see that the person was a man, and he was wearing a suspicious hat. His blue button-down shirt was wrinkled like an old granny's face. And his jeans had grass stains as well! Jeez, this man needs to take care of his clothes! Rolling my window down, the stranger lifted his head.

And Zerek was underneath that hat.

"God dammit, Zerek! What are you doing here?" I hissed.

"Hello to you too, Kaeya!" He said, cheerfully. I groaned and opened the door, making sure I hit him square in the chest. He doubled over and I smirked, satisfied. Then frowned.

"You're not in your normal attire. Hmm. What made you change your mind?" I looked him up and down. He looked rushed. his shirt was crumpled when usually it looked ironed. his hair was not combed but probably styled it that way. Everything was black as if he were trying to rob me. He even wore a black hat!

"Did you like my normal attire?" He smirked and raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes. I turned and Zerek was suddenly there. I yelped and stumbled back. I looked behind me to where Zerek was standing to where he was standing now and back again.

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