Chapter 22

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I gape at the scene before me. I didn’t think –
“–that rumour would be true!” Mum says, completing my thought. I can’t believe it! This place is not the town square anymore! It’s like a club but outside. Neon beams dance in the town square, and smoke explodes from smoke machines. Time to time bubbles appear in the centre and kids run and shout to see who can pop the most. Colourful fairy lights hang around shops creating a circle surround the glowing fountain. Some shops sell silk, others sell food, toys, clothes, jewellery, even wishing lanterns. The DJ play his remixes above a balcony of a shop which sells jewellery. I’m in awe.
As I’m staring, I try to figure out what this entire party is for, when something else comes to mind. My eyes go wide, and I turn to mum. I really don’t want to ruin that wonderous look on her face, but I have to ask.
“What’s the date today?” She snaps out of it and thinks for a moment.
“I think it’s the second today.” She says, but before she could say anything more, I’ve bolted. I couldn’t believe I forgot a day that’s super important and go to a stupid party like this! I run around the place trying to find something – anything! – to Zerek, instead I find nothing and collapse into people. I mumble an apology and start moving again, but someone had already grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.
“Hey! I already…” the words disappear from my lips as I see who my captor is. I look around in panic, but everyone’s pre-occupied to think about us.
“Okay what do you want?” I ask, folding my arms.
“Sheesh! What a greeting! I’d like a better greeting please!” he looks at me with some weird look and when I shake my head he’s smirking.
“Hello Christian. Nice to meet you but I really have to go. Have a nice night!” I turn to leave but he yanks my hand and pulls me towards him, so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. I stare into his jade green eyes, as he stare back at me with a hungry look on his face. I look away and try to take a step back, but his hold on me tightens to the point of breaking. I squirm in pain, but I don’t move. Even as he strokes my face with his other hand. He chuckles as he grabs one of my curls and twists it between his thumb and index finger. He then lifts it to his nose and inhales it. He sighs in enjoyment and recoil. I didn’t know he was this creepy.
“You’re disgusting!” I throw my leg behind his and my arm to drop him to the cement floor. His serpent grip releases and I’m free. I run and run until I’m a safe distance away from that creep.
“You alright?” I scream, but only to realize it’s just Zerek.
“Oh, thank god it’s you! I don’t know why my aunt keeps that deranged guy as the captain of her guards.” I rest my head against his shoulder, somehow feeling safe near him. He takes my chin, so I look up at him and all I see are rage and anger.
“What did he do to you to make you shake this much?” I didn’t even realize I was shaking until he pointed it out. I shake my head.
“Adrenaline?” It came out as a question than I intended. He wraps his arms around me, and I lean my head against his chest, trying to calm my beating heart and shaking body.
“Damn why do you have to look so gorgeous that everyone has to start touching you?” He murmurs into my head. I blush. He called me beautiful. It’s stupid but it makes butterflies fill my stomach. My heart beats fast for an entirely different reason now. I let go and step quite calm after the encounter.
“Thank you and happy birthday!” I smile, but it shatters away. “I didn’t get you anything though. But I will do my best to –” He put a single finger to my lips, and I go quiet as a mouse.
“You’re here. That’s the best gift anyone could give me.” I start to smile when I remember who I came with.
“Mum! I can’t believe I just abandoned her!” I look around to see if I can see her from where I am. Unfortunately, not. I run around the place again, surprised Zerek can even catch up to me. I looked into every shop and alley and finally found her sitting inside a bar all by herself. Actually, she’s not alone. A familiar figure comes and sits next to her, and her face lights up. I clench my fists and slam my mouth shut until my jaw hurts. Rage boils within me as Zerek’s father moves closer to her so he could whisper something that makes her laugh. I was about to head over there when a warm hand settles over my shoulder.
“It’s okay. Nothing’s going to happen.” He doesn’t use his powers, but somehow, just that small jester makes me calm down.
“How do you live with him? Knowing he killed your mother?” I ask, without removing my gaze off Wilfred.
“I don’t. He doesn’t come home often, so the house is basically my own. That’s why it’s bearable.” I nod, still not taking my eyes off him. Why and how are they so close? Did they become closer after the murder or before the murder? Does she know about the murder? These thoughts swirl around my head. Gentle fingers grabbed my hand and I turned to look at Zerek.
“How about let’s forget about this and actually enjoy the party, hmm? You did say you’d treat me!” He smiled. He’s right. Today’s not a good time to think about these things when I’m out here celebrating my friend’s birthday. Grinning, I grabbed his hand and took him to the first shop I see. We darted through every shop, me paying for everything Zerek and I wanted, and in the end, we were both laughing and heading home. Yes, we did check on the parents and they seem to be really into their conversation, so we left them.
“I can’t believe you did that!” He cackled.
“Hey! I was six years old at that time! You cannot blame me!”
“I mean, not even the dumbest kid would draw a pillow with chalk on the ground and sleep on it just ‘because you didn’t want to socialize.” He doubled over, and I could see tears spring into his eyes.
“Okay, it’s not that funny! What have you done? The most embarrassing thing as a kid?” I asked, hoping his is worse.
“Hmm… maybe the fact that I realized Santa wasn’t real…”
“Uh, everyone thinks Santa’s real when they’re younger.” I say, disappointed.
“Oh no, I realized this yesterday.” He states, matter-of-factly. I stopped and stared at him, dumbstruck. You see, I’m not shocked, I’m BEYOND shocked! How in hell did he just figure out that Santa is not real?
“What?! You figured it out yesterday?
“No, I was just kidding. I was trying to make you feel better.” He winked at me. I huffed and continued to walk beside him.
“Fine then! I shall be crowned the person who had the most embarrassing childhood life. You shall be crowned as the person who figured Santa is not real when he was eighteen.”
“Nineteen.” He corrected.
“So, it is true!” He shrugged. “Wow! Unbelievable!” We walked in comfortable silence, me just admiring the place I’ve seen a million times. I turned around to see Zerek gazing at me. We locked eyes and everything seems to melt away. The stars, the birds, the noise, everything except the beat of my heart. My lips parted and his gaze lowered and brought it back up. I took a tiny step – a miniscule step – forward and that seemed to snap Zerek awake. He cleared his throat and looked away. We walked with a bit more distance than we had earlier, in silence. The trees danced in the soft breeze, the birds continued to make music and the stars continued to sparkle against the dark blanket.
“So, how has the search for your mother been going?” He asks suddenly with all seriousness. I jumped, startled by the sudden question.
“Uh not much, just found out there’s a village close to the palace. That’s all.” I reply, a little disappointed considering I didn’t do much and knowing my mum would be suffering somewhere. “I did check on the queen though. Sadly, she isn’t getting better. The good thing is that I got her to start eating since she was panicking instead of eating.”
“It’s ok. We still got time. How about we visit that village tomorrow, hmm? I mean unless you’re busy.”
“What could I possibly be busy with– Oh, that. I won’t be busy, but I would make a few things before we leave. Safety reasons. I just got this bad feeling something’s going to happen tomorrow.”
“Then we’ll go another day?” Zerek suggested. I shook my head.
“I want to find her as soon as I can. For mine and my aunt’s sake.”
“Then tomorrow it is.”
We said goodnight to each other and went home. I lay on my bed, staring at the blank ceiling, thinking about the strange feeling in my gut. Something’s telling me not to go, but it will still happen whether I’m there or not. But I didn’t get far to think about it before sleep pulled me under.

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