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Achilles was sure that he had been alone when he had fallen asleep. Now however something heavy was lying on his chest that didn't belong to him. Something soft that smelled like pine cones on a rainy day.

„What in the name of Zeus are you doing here?"
Achilles had to force himself not to laugh at the startled face of Patroclus. His hair was messy and stocked out in every direction and his eyes were still fogged from the sleep. The young man looked with utter confusion around and tried to find out his whereabouts. When he realized that his head was still resting on Achilles breast he jumped up and turned away to hide his red face. „Why are you here?" Achilles repeated, this time with a softer voice.
Patroclus was staring at the sea trying to find the right words.
„I ummm..." His voice was rough and he coughed slightly to clear his throat. „I had been waiting for you at the place after you had stormed of and when you didn't return I started to look for you. When I found you here the sun was already about to rise and I wanted to wait until you wake up. I must have fallen asleep."
Achilles couldn't hide a smile any longer. Patroclus looked cute, stuttering and blushing furiously still trying to avoid his eyes.

„Why didn't you just go home? Why come after me in the middle of the night?"
„I was worried. You just stormed of for no apparent reason and I was confused. I just wanted to see if you are alright."
Achilles tried to sort out his memories from the previous evening. The dinner in the hall, his father's speech about the upcoming war between Sparta and Troy, the silent argument between them. Anger rose within him as he thought back to it. How can his father be so stubborn? Patroclus broke the silence between them.
„Would you like to tell me what happened between you and your father yesterday?"
Achilles looked up just to meet his eyes.
„It was nothing. We just had a little disagreement."
Patroclus looked at him, encouraging him to keep talking. Achilles sighed.
„We've had a little fight a few days ago. I told him to send me and some other soldiers to Sparta to be able to help them immediately if necessary. He told me that I wasn't ready yet. That I needed to proof myself before going to war. That I was still to immature to know how to behave on a battlefield. As if he knew me." Achilles balled his fist. How could his father not trust him? He was the best fighter of Thessaly! It would be truly mental to not let him go there!
Patroclus put his hand on his shoulder. His fingers slowly moved in little circles over the soft material of the blanket on his shoulders. Patroclus must've covered him up with it when he was sleeping. His gentle touch calmed him down and as Patroclus began to speak again most of his anger had vanished.
„The war hasn't even started yet." Patroclus voice was calm and melodic as he continued to move his fingers over Achill's back.
„Your father is just worried about you. You are his only son and he doesn't want you to risk anything. He knows how strong you are. Your time will come and when it's arrived I will fight by your side. You just need to be patient."

Achilles turned his head to look at Patroclus. His eyes reflected the sunlight and made them look like honey. Maybe he was right. Maybe it wasn't wise to go to Sparta just now. But the strict tone of his fathers voice still rang in his ears. „You are a prince, Achilles! You have duties! You must be an example for your people! What king would just run away to fight a war that hasn't even started yet? You stay here where I can keep an eye on you until your time has come!"
Achilles rose, the blanket falling down from his shoulders, leaving them unprotected. „Come Patroclus. It is late. We should start training now if we want to spend today's night in our beds." He felt the worried look of his friend on his back as he went over to the edge of the cliff. The sea was calm for now but dark clouds were forming on the horizon heralding a thunderstorm.

„Hurry up! Do you want to get hit by a lightning? Come on! Hurry!" Achilles rolled his eyes annoyed at Patroclus who was running a few meters ahead of him. The sun the sun had disappeared behind black thunderclouds and a strong wind was shaking the trees around them. The two were running as fast as they could back to the city, their feet hitting the street on which the water was already ankle high. Soon everything would be flooded.
„Achilles! Stop dawdling! I have no intention to drown here!"
„I am running as fast as I can!"
They reached the entrance of the city. Nobody was outside, the cold air filled with the sound of the rain, permanently hitting the floor.
„Come on in!" Patroclus held a tiny wooden door open. It led to a room just big enough so it could contain a carriage. The floor was covered in hay and the only light came through some slits in the brick walls.
„I have never been in here." Achilles let his eyes wander around as if he had just entered the palace of Zeus himself. Patroclus snorted at his friend's reaction.
„Why would you? You are a prince. You have no reason to come here."
„You don't have one either. As far as I know you spend most nights in a nice room in the palace. Do you come here often?"
„Sometimes. It gets quite lonely in my room at the palace you know. If the only people near you are some slaves."
Achilles turned to face Patroclus. He was soaking wet, his hair even more curled than normally. Nevertheless he managed to form a small smile.
Thunder rang outside and made the little hut shake. „Looks like we will have to stay here for a while. So much to spending the night in our beds."
„Ah well it could be worse. There are less charming people to be here with than me, don't you think?" Patroclus' laughter filled the room. Yes there are lots of people who Patroclus would never want to be stuck in a shack with. He stretched out the blanked with which he had covered Achilles before and the two men sat down. None of them talked as they listened to the rain bickering onto the roof.
After a few minutes of silence Achilles decided to speak again.
„Do you think Sparta and Troy are really going to start a war?"
„I don't know. Maybe. Sparta never really was the peaceful one was it?"
„No... But how long will it take? I really want to show father that I am ready to protect Greece. I will be the best soldier the world has ever seen! I will bring victory over us!"
Patroclus didn't answer. He turned his head lost in his thoughts. He always admired Achilles for his enthusiasm and his determination. But he also new how reckless he can be.
„Your time will come, my friend. But for now enjoy the peace and don't spend to many thoughts on the Trojans."
With that Patroclus leaned back and started snoring softly just moments later. Achilles looked at him as he was sleeping thinking about his words. He was right. Achilles shouldn't worry so much. But deep inside of him he felt like he was destined to go to Troy. As if his life only evolved around that. With those thoughts still floating around in his brain Achilles also laid down on the blanket and slowly drifted away into the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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