Music (part 2)

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haha hi
i'm not sorry for the cliffhanger
Human au

Two years- I gained 105million fans in two years. Most people would have been happy; I mean, who wouldn't be glad to be famous?

Well, me. Because I had lost my best friend along the way.

I didn't even know what happened. One day we were hanging out and singing like we usually were, I was teasing her and she was blushing, and the next day I couldn't find her.

I scoured every inch of the city. Every mall and restaurant. Even places outside the city- neighboring countries, some of her favorite camping places- but I still couldn't find a trace of her. 

I knew she was in the city somewhere, I was probably just searching the wrong places at the wrong time. Besides, I should've asked for her phone number. Or at least made sure I had one way to contact the love of my life. Or, umm, the soon-to-be love of my life, assuming I ever found her. What if I never found her?

That was a depressing thought.

I checked the mirror for signs of perfection. None- still imperfectly styled hair, unbuttoned collar, and an untucked shirt. Good. Although let's be honest, I look imperfectly perfect no matter what I wear.

Hollywood Academy students? Brace yourselves, because here I come.

I strolled out of my mansion and gently opened the door of my Ferrari, wondering what the students would be like. They were my age- would they be jealous that I, someone who had the exact same amount of time on earth, had more success? Or would they try to befriend me, and attempt to steal some of my fame? It wouldn't matter, anyway. I couldn't care less.

"First day as a teacher- I shouldn't be worrying about this," I thought. A girl slightly younger than me with honey blond hair and deer-brown eyes replaced those thoughts, leaving me grimacing as I started the engine.

This girl I barely knew, barely was friends with, had full control of my heart, and I hadn't even seen her in two years. Why couldn't I move on? Why was I so pathetically hopeful? Ugh, this was as cliche and tragic as a Wattpad fanfic. (he's not breaking the fourth wall. shh.)

As I started driving, swerving past pedestrians glued to their phones and chaotic drunk drivers, I saw a few people gather and gape at me outside my window. They whipped out their cellphones and I flashed them a smile, before slamming onto the pedal and driving away as fast as I could before the paparazzi arrived. Some of the idiots tried to follow me, running side by side with my car with their phone cameras trained on me like guns. 

At times like this, being a celebrity sucked. Sure, the constant admiration and fame were pretty sweet, but I missed having a private life. Not that I ever had much of a life before becoming a celebrity. Well, I mean, the only time I felt alive was when I was with her...

Shut up. Stupid brain. 

I had posted on my Instagram story that I was going to be a teacher at Hollywood Academy less than an hour ago, and the usual stalkers and delusional fangirls had already tracked me down. They already found me? It must be a new record. Usually, it took them about an hour and a half to find my exact location.


Did she know I was famous? If she did, did she stalk me too? Did she follow me on Instagram? The worst part was that I would probably never find an answer to any of these questions, except maybe the first one. My name and face were plastered everywhere- magazines, ads, newspapers, she had to know who I was, right?

I had too many followers on Instagram to check every one of them, and I didn't even know what her social media accounts were. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why didn't I ask for her number before getting so attached to her? I was such an idiot. 

Actually, I still am. I'm nothing but an idiot without her...

Trying my best (and failing) to push these thoughts out of my head, I carefully parked the car in the parking lot across from Hollywood Academy. Slamming the door and shielding my face from all the screeching fans and awed pedestrians, I ran all the way to the Academy. Reporters and some fans started chasing me, so I quickened my pace all the way until I reached the academy. If they took a step further, they would be trespassing.

But I didn't want to ruin my image or anything. So I quickly turned around and flashed the cameras a wink. 

I pushed open the wide double doors in the front entrance. Suddenly, an unwelcome thought popped into my head. "Her singing was amazing, she would have no trouble entering this school. What if she's in my class? Does she remember me?" The last one hit harder than I thought, and I clutched my chest, clawing at it as if it could make the heartbreak disappear.

Overreacting? Yes. Cliche? Also yes. But what if she forgot about me? What if she just thought of me as some celebrity who she used to hang out with, and not as a friend?

Did she ever think of me as a friend?

My loud footsteps echoed throughout the deserted hallway. Most students were already patiently waiting in their classrooms. Not bothering to even enter the staff room like most teachers would, I pushed open the doors to Classroom 16. It would be the only class I would teach this year; I'm a singer, not a teacher.

I'd rather write lyrics and sing than mark test papers. (no offense to any teachers out there, y'all are awesome when you're not scolding us)

I gently pushed open the classroom doors, not wanting to shock my hopefully eager students with an over-dramatic entrance. Of course, I was a total drama king, but I decided to save theatrics for after they got over the shock of having me as a teacher. You know, because it wasn't every day a famous celebrity introduced himself as your teacher.

I walked into the room and took a quick scan of it, wanting to see the faces of my new students and how they were reacting to the one and only Keefe Sencen being their teacher. An few of them gasped, some of them took out their phones to take pictures, and I was pretty sure one guy in the back fainted. 

But none of that mattered anymore. My eyes landed on a girl in the back corner of the room, with bright brown eyes and golden hair.

Sophie Foster was my student.

so they DID see each other again 😱
love you guys more than sophie loves mallowmelt, byeee!

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