Lost phone

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Soundtrack recommendation: Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko

"I left it here before... Where could it be," Byul was starting to panic as she searched high and low for her device. "Hyejin-ah, have you seen my phone? I left it here before we went over to do archery. Could you try calling it?"

"There's no answer, Unnie." Hyejin replied after trying a couple of times.

"Hyejin-ah, you have to help me find it. I hope it's not stolen." Byul pleaded, her voice trembling with fear. The two girls decided to split up to search for the missing phone, while Wheein and Yongsun were still oblivious to what had happened.


The girls were invited to their first appearance on the Idol Star Athletics Championship. Their company had forewarned them of the program and how chaotic the stadium would be with the broadcasting crew, fans, and idol groups and their staff. "Keep each other close and take care of one another. Things are going to be messy and the program directors may not always have the idols' interests at heart. We have seen reports of idols getting injured. So do your best but don't feel pressured to win. I would rather you enjoy yourselves out there. Hwaiting!" was the encouragement that CEO Kim gave to the girls the day before filming started.


A few minutes later, Byul and Hyejin convened and the latter declared, "Unnie, I couldn't find it. Could you have left it in the washroom? We have to prepare for the next event soon."

Byul was worried sick by now and for good reason. She had recently gotten into photography and had been pestering Yong to be the subject of her pictures on the pretext of honing her skills. Yong had always second-guessed Byul's intentions whenever she would take pictures or record videos of her, but the older girl never doubted Byul's talents. Besides, the pictures that Byul took of her turned out artistic and were a breath of fresh air compared with the ones taken by professional photographers. Well, all these would have been harmless if not for the multiple Yongsun-themed photo albums with cringe-worthy album titles, oh- and that video.

A visible worry and doom grew over her face as she furrowed her brows but snapped back to reality when she heard a familiar voice call out to her, "Banggu-ssi! What are you standing here for? I've been calling you! We have to get going!" and was engulfed in Yongsun's embrace. Byul was overcome with fear and guilt that she couldn't bring herself to look at Yongsun. Meekly, she muttered, "Yeah, sorry Unnie, let's go." She was certainly sorry for much more than just almost being late to the relay race.


"On your marks! Get set! GO!" HONNNNNK The sound from the start pistol signaled the start of the relay race and the first runners of each team dashed towards the next teammate. Byul, being the most athletic of them, was the team's anchor. She crouched in a position that would make dashing off more efficient as she looked back over her left shoulder for Hyejin. Seconds felt like hours as her mind drifted momentarily to the what-ifs of the leaked photos and video. She was distracted once again, but managed to tune her mind back to the event that she was participating in when she saw Hyejin receiving the baton from Wheein.

"FOCUS," she tells herself as she exhaled sharply, and readied herself to receive the baton from Hyejin with her right hand.

She started jogging as Hyejin was approaching and dashed off after getting hold of the baton. Byul was in the lead and was the hot favourite to win the gold medal. The finish line was within reach.

"I AM GOING TO FINISH THIS RACE QUICKLY AND FIND MY PHONE! I CAN'T LET ANOTHER PAIR OF EYES-" Just before she could mentally finish her sentence, Byul tripped over a bump in the running track and face-planted the ground, as her competitors raced past her for a chance at grabbing the gold medal.

"F*ck!" Byul cursed under her breath as she cupped her nose with her hand. When she regained her composure, she jogged to the finish line to the cheers of the audience, who were applauding her sportsmanship. Byul politely looked up at the section where MooMoos were sat and bowed several times as if to apologise for letting them down. She quickly retreated to a quiet corner beneath the stands, as her teammates ran over to check on her.

"Are you okay, Byulyi?" Yongsun asked with furrowed brows as she tried to inspect Byul's face. "Oh dear, you have a cut on your-!" Yongsun stopped when the girl started sobbing and motioned for Wheein and Hyejin to leave as she assured them she would take care of the girl.

"I am sorry, Yong-ah," Byul managed in between sobs, as she lowered herself into a squatting position and buried her head deep between her crossed arms over her knees.

"Don't be silly, Byul. I'd rather you be healthy and well than to win some stupid medal for a show." Yongsun comforted her as she stroked her back. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need to see the medic?"

She felt a pang of guilt the more Yongsun showed concern. "I-I I mean, I... I lost my phone, Yong-ah," Byul stuttered as she lifted her head, avoiding Yongsun's eyes. "My phone d-doesn't have a p-password. A-a-and... Th-there are a lot of y-your photos in there. And also, also that video of you dancing to Honey B-"

"You, what?!" Yongsun instinctively raised her voice before lowering it for fear of being heard. Thoughts raced through her mind as she pondered over Byul's words. She was angered yet shocked and confused that Byul had recorded her dancing unclothed.

"I'm sorry, Unnie! I r-really am! I'm sorry for being so careless. I'm sorry. Please forgive me, Yong-ah. I'm sorry." Byul was a crying mess again and she must not have heard Yongsun's phone ring amidst her sobs.

"I got a call from Hani from EXID. She has your phone and is coming over to return it now. " Yongsun herself was still processing the potential severity of the situation when she received a call from "Byul". She had so many questions about what Byul had said, but reserved them when she noticed Hani peeking into the dimly lit corridor that the girls were gathered in.

Yongsun got up to greet Hani and Byul followed suit. "Hello, Hani-ssi. Thank you for picking up Byul's phone. We really owe you a favour."  Yongsun spoke on behalf of Byul, who was still recovering from her fall and this sudden turn of events.

"Hello, Solar-ssi and Byul-ssi. You're welcome! I picked up the phone from the area beside the track. The phone wasn't locked and I saw that your number was starred as a top contact so I called you." Hani explained and gestured to Yongsun, who was slightly blushing by now. She was glad that the corridor wasn't well-lit or Hani would have witnessed her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

When she had composed herself, Byul thanked Hani personally as Yongsun walked away to give them some privacy. "Hello, I'm Moonbyul, born in 1992. Thank you so much for finding my phone and for keeping it safe."

"Oh! I'm born in 1992 too! That makes us peers, Byul-ah!" Hani excitedly exclaimed. "By the way, I have to apologise for going through your photos. I wanted to find out who this phone belonged to... I should've gone through the contacts list or messages first. Sorry!" Hani said sheepishly and followed up with a bow to apologise. There was a hint of secondhand embarrassment in Hani's voice that rubbed off on Byul too.

"Ah, that's okay. At least it wasn't a dude who saw them." Byul cautiously replied, hinting that she understood what Hani meant by saying she saw the photos.

There was a glint in Hani's eyes as she moved closer to Byul. She looked around them for signs of possible intrusion before remarking, "So I guess that takes our friendship to a whole new level, eh?". Byul gave a confused look before Hani whispered, "Looks like we play for the same team, buddy. Let's hang out some time!" With that, Hani cheekily winked at Byul and coolly bade her goodbye with a gentle bump against the shoulder. 

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