Make love, not war

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Soundtrack recommendation: No More Drama by MAMAMOO

[A/N: Written from Byul's POV]

"Listen! The melody makes it perfect for a song about angst and empowerment. What about this..." I trailed off as I attempted to show her what I had written in the past 20 minutes or so.


I'll just say  I̶'m̶ w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ it's my fault
Let's stop talking, enough
I'm the main character, no regrets in this scene
Seat number trauma
No more drama


"How about we name it 'No More Drama'? It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Trauma, drama..." I looked up at her as I rattled on to a silent audience.

"Are you drawing on your past experience?" She asked innocently before offering her opinion. "It sounds a little too...angry? It's a good start though. I'm still stuck at the first part... Look at what I have so far..." She pushed her notebook towards me.


A̶r̶e̶ y̶o̶u̶ H̶o̶w̶ Have you been doing well?
Or are you have you been the same as me?
Why are you doing this?
Do you miss me?
E̶n̶o̶u̶g̶h̶, Stop, this is all because of you


Her attempt was decent. "I was just imagining myself in a situation where I've had enough and won't take bullshit from someone ever again. Try doing the same and you might figure something out," I answered matter-of-factly, which will bite me in the ass in a couple of seconds from now.

"Ahh... I guess I could think back about what happened in Jeju..." She looked at the walls ahead of her and mockingly rubbed her chin, appearing to be deep in thought. We locked eyes when my dim-witted brain finally realised that she had been stoking the fire on purpose.

Her sudden high-pitched, breathless-sounding dolphin laughter startled me. She must have seen the faint lightbulb in my head go off.

"You're not going to get away with that, ddun!" We were soon in a playful aggressive tangle; each trying to reach the other's ticklish spot in a tight room that barely fit two chairs and a table. There was hardly space to walk in here. Well, we were lucky that it even managed to fit the both of us since the space was really meant for just one person.

In a defensive attempt to clamp her arm between my right flank and forearm, we were now in a semi-compromising position with my head over her right shoulder and hers by my left arm. We were getting breathless from laughing and play-fighting when I noticed that the previously closed door was now ajar. I felt my soul leave my body. Shit.

At the same moment that I was feeling self-conscious, Yongsun seemed to have also sensed the presence of a third person in the our space, possibly from my sudden halt in action. We immediately tore ourselves apart from each other and simultaneously glanced at the face that had peered into the room. Still dizzy from the laughing fits and head-rush from earlier antics, it took us a moment to register this person who was staring back at us with an almost embarrassed and surprised look.

"Nara-unnie*! Hi! W-what ar..are y-you doing here?" Yongsun managed weakly. "Ahem," I cleared my throat that had gone dry from the intrusion of our s̶p̶a̶c̶e̶ alone-time. I felt my body heating up uncomfortably. We should have known better than to let our gay slip in the work environment. "Hey, unnie!" I tried. My feeble attempt still did not wipe off the surprised look on unnie's face. My neck, ears and cheeks were on fire. Say something please. I mentally begged for her to break the silence.

"Ah! Sorry to interrupt! I was looking for a room to get some work in. Are you both working on a song?"

Phew. "Ah, yes! Unnie and I are working on a song that Do-hoon oppa composed. But we are having a hard time with the lyrics. Unnie wouldn't listen to me kekeke," I felt a smack to my thigh the moment those words left my mouth. The "explanation", however, elicited an audible relief and laughter from Nara-unnie. I took one for the team and I regret nothing.

"Ah, you guys, make love not war. I will leave you alone lest one of you ends up in the emergency room kekeke" Yong let out a sheepish laughter while fiddling with her collars the moment Nara-unnie said that. No shit Sherlock, make love huh.

"Have fun, you two! Good luck with the song!" Nara-unnie bade us goodbye and closed the door behind her. Yong was laughing uncontrollably again out of sheer embarrassment.

"So that was close..." Yong broke the silence. She still looks visibly embarrassed and concerned.

"Yeah... I guess. Sorry for the sabotage. I couldn't think of a better excuse." I half-heartedly apologised to her. I was just relieved that the torment was over, though if I had to be honest, I did enjoy the play-fight up until Nara-unnie walked in on us.

"My energy has been drained entirely. Since we're having writer's block, how about early dinner?" It was rare for her to leave work hanging, but I'll take it. "Yeah, let's have dinner and turn in early tonight..." I paused. When I saw that I had Yongsun's full attention now, I smirked and whispered in her ears, "It would be rude not to take a senior's advice..."

She had a visible look of confusion on her face. "Well, unnie said to make lo-" I did not have to complete my sentence to elicit a shriek from her, "Youuu!", as I made a dash away from her – at least temporarily.

[A/N: *Esna]

[A/N: For reference, this was the moment that inspired this story: ]

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