Yoon Keeho // P1Harmony

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ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴍᴇ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇ✍︎


Hanji's fingers twitched slightly then followed an attempt to loosen up the stiff joints in her hand. Hanji wondered in her sleepy state why it was difficult to move her body. Her elbows would not bend smoothly without having to stretch the muscles to grow flexible once again, her feet grew utterly numb as though she had dipped them in ice-cold water, or her whole body, in particular, was just experiencing an odd numbness yet it was familiar. Another weird thing was...

The alien ambiance the room conveyed.

Discomforted, she jerked her eyelids open. Hanji scrutinized the room that looked nothing like the one she had in her home. Was I kidnapped? Kidnapped and locked in a rather fancy room...? were Hanji's thoughts until everything clicked. She remembered that she was on a short vacation with some friends.

Two days ago, Jiung spontaneously made this decision with his friends and invited Hanji to come. And here she is, half of her body under the blankets while the other exposed. Maybe that's what caused her to wake up freezing cold.

The resthouse they were staying in is located on the hills and goodness, the temperature was low. A good heater would be lovely.

Hanji was facing the ceiling for many minutes, not taking notice of the body next to her until it shifted. She glanced over her right and immediately, her eyes softened. Next to her was Keeho, her boyfriend, who was sleeping soundly. Hanji felt her insides turn woozy and a tingling sensation on the pit of her stomach, butterflies, at the sight of the calm and charming boy. She thought of studying Keeho's features for a moment because it's been weeks since the two of them spent proper time together. The busy semester was testing both Hanji and Keeho but so far, they are doing great at managing the circumstance.

After sliding a strand of his hair off his face, Hanji smiled lovingly and sat up to exit the room she shared with her boyfriend. The second she was about to lock her knees, a yank was felt on Hanji's wrist. It wasn't too harsh, not too gentle either. The grip was weak but it exerted effort to relay the message of not wanting her to leave. Keeho didn't want her to leave yet.

"Can you stay in bed a little longer?" the boy gruffly said, his fingers remaining around her wrist.   

Hanji squinted your eyes and sighed. It was early and there was not much to do at this time of the day. 

"Alright." she positioned herself back onto the bed next to Keeho who was childishly smiling and wrapping his arms around her. 


As Hanji snuggle closer into Keeho's chest, she forgot the warmth her body lacked. I guess blankets will forever fail to warm her the way her boyfriend's hugs do. She plopped an arm over Keeho's waist and wiggled her body upwards so her eyes were on the same level as the boy's and planted a tiny kiss on his nose afterwards. 

"It's ding darn cold here. I can't wait to head back to the city and bathe myself with sunshine." 

"I'm your sunshine so I'm guessing I'm doing a good job in warming you up."

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