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How NCT Dream as your boyfriend would take care of you on your period


So, I have never seen an imagine where the reader does not experience frequent cramps on their period so as a person with cramp-less menstrual cycles, let me welcome you to what it's like. No big difference, really.

❍ M a r k ❍

- Starts noticing how easily irritated you get and realizes you're close to that time of the month.
- Very attentive to your needs but careful enough to not annoy you.
- 'You have enough pads right?'
- Has every one of your favorite snacks on hand.
- You can still manage some work and he helps by doing 85% of the effort.
- Offers gentle massages on your temples when the headaches arrive.
- Cuddles all day, mat3.

❍ R e n j u n ❍

- Pushes the playful 'ew's away when you get clingy.
- Will fight anyone or anything that delays him to deliver your cravings asap.
- Stays by your side and holds your hand when he can while you do your work.
- 'I don't care if you can manage because you don't get cramps. Just lie down and let me do it'

❍ J e n o ❍

- Glistening, concerned eyes on you the whole week.
- Arms always open when you need a stress-relieving hug.
- The big spoon when you're cuddling as you take a 16638383 hour power nap.
- He a runner he a track star to the convenience store when your favorite cookies run out.
- Sweet boi I wuv him :(

❍ H a e c h a n ❍

- Cuddling intensifies.
- Gives you back hugs when you insist to wash dishes on a good day.
- Your bad temper ain't cute so he avoids the constant teasing for the week.
- Of course is sensitive to your needs and attends to them in a jiffy.
- Carefully massages your back and hums a song to comfort you from the backaches.

❍ J a e m i n ❍

- Has an unending list of your favorite foods and sluggish activities.
- Takes over the chores.
- Caresses your hair and softly talks to you because you find his voice relaxing.
- 'Why do you still attend your martial arts trainings during your period? That's not good for your body' (yep, das me)
- Forehead kisses haha :')

❍ C h e n l e ❍

- For the first time in two years, you felt the sharp pain in your lower abdomen and it was Chenle's first time witnessing you struggle with it.
- He quickly prepares the heating pad you ordered him to.
- Pulls you in and rubs your arm to comfort you.
- 'Is the pain fading?'
- Orders a whole feast for you.
- The cramps finally die down but his hand is still gently patting your lower back.

❍ J i s u n g ❍

- Your mood swings scare the life out of him so he's always prepared.
- 'Do you need a piggyback ride?' he asks when you stated that your legs are starting to feel heavy when you and him are strolling around the neighborhood.
- Kisses your head and knuckles only when you are asleep.
- Again, sweet attentive boyo.
- Asks what he can help you with when he notices your heavy movements.


❍ A/N ❍

: To those who have to experience cramps on their period, ya'll so strong wth. I experience them only once or twice every year and when I do, it's like going through child labor lol. You guys are amazing 💚💚💚

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