Chapter 3

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DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T LIKE SMUT. Though to be fair if you don't like it why are you here? ANYWAY YOU'VE BEEN WARNED


Tis' another miserable day at Chateau De La Farquad. Day thirty-three to be exact. Rotting in this dank shithole. I miss my daddy.

Out of nowhere, two guards stroll up to the cast iron door. As they slide open the viewing hatch Gingy flips them the bird. They slam open the door and the start to beat the everloving fuck out of this poor Ginger kid from Far Far Away.

Footsteps. Quiet at first but growing ever closer. Farquad bursts in and bellows;
[I owe OumaKingOfRatsRawrXD Corp Inc™ £5 for this phrase :D]. "Now get your fucking sorry asses out of here before I bleach them! Assholes! I mean it, I'll bleach them with the tears of ogre babies!"

They scurried out like rats avoiding a predator. Farquad's eyes flickered with desire and a malicious hunger, something else lied further though he kept it concealed. A locked box that would open to no one. Not even Gingy.

"You look like a snacc" he growled in his ear, biting down on the lobe, gently.
"So taste me" Gingy breathed out, his throat becoming dryer by the second.

Maximus [Farquad ;D] crawled his way over to Gingy and sat in front of him on the cold stone floor. The freezing air nipped at his face but he didn't care. At that moment he only thought of his toy and how beautiful he was.

His once chiselled stubble now growing longer, a ginger beard taking its place. He thought of how Gingy's eyes sparkled like sapphires in the morning sun; he wanted this moment to last forever in his mind. An eternal bliss, he bathed in this feeling, basked in its gloriousness.

Gingy felt two fingers snake beneath his chin, lifting his head to Farquad's own. The golden light that had felt so far from his reach now shining into his eyes. And he didn't even care. Not while he was with him. He took this time to appreciate the little things, like how he had never noticed the hint of green hiding within those pools of blue. He thought he could swim in those eyes forever.

He noticed how glossy Maximus' chocolate mane looked in this light. So he reached up to twirl a lock between his finger and thumb. It was soft, Gingy brought the strands of hair up to his nose and inhaled deeply. Coconut. Sweet yet there was something so calming about the scent. Exotic.

"You smell delicious" Gingy says weakly.
"I taste even better"

Gingy climbs onto Farquad's lap, wrapping his legs around his dainty hips. Maximus licked his lips in anticipation, his tiny legs quivering beneath him, this was going to be interesting.

Maximus yeeted himself up and almost ran to the cupboard in the corner. Gingy had learned early in his stay in the dungeons not to open that cupboard. Or the consequences would be severe. He turned around revealing a tangled mess of plum coloured, sequin fabric.

"Strip" Maximus ordered bluntly.
"Yes Master" Gingy obeyed willingly, he could feel the heat rising within him. He would not have to wait much longer.

Inching closer to the outfit he dyed it up. It didn't look like much. And he found out why when he picked it up, a thong. Plus two nipple tassels which fell to the ground with a faint ping. One might compare it to the sound of a pin dropping.

Gingy began to feverishly pull his shirt over his head, the thin scraps of his linen shirt being flung behind him. His knickerbockers came off next. They joined the shirt, until soon all his clothes were strewn across the damp, mossy cobblestones. Only his boxers remained.

Farquad waddled over to his toy and bit down on the waistband of his boxers. Using his teeth to pull them down; KiNkY. His cock spring free from it's constraints, whacking Maximus in the face. Gingy stepped into the thong and pulled it up, then popped on the tassels. He could see Farquad was visably turned on... and he liked it.


Kudos to OumaKingOfRats  for co-writing this with me! Send lots of thanks their way for coming up with this original idea!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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