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Matty's thumb was still tenderly stroking my spot as he kissed me. Slow at first, but his kisses became fast and sloppy, moving away from my lips and instead down my neck. He kissed through my shirt, before reaching my exposed hip. He yanked down my shorts with great force, earning a small gasp of surprise from my swollen lips. Matty carried on moving his way down, kissing across my inner thigh until his lips were mere centimetres away from me.

"You ready?" He smirked. I could feel his hot breath against me, making me tingle. I nodded with a mumble of the word 'yes', silently praising myself for shaving this morning. Almost instantly, Matty's mouth connected with my skin and my back arched as I felt his tongue slide against me.

"Oh my god." I moaned, clasping a hand around my mouth. My eyes scrunched up before I could even register what was happening, and I saw nothing but cosmic glaxies dancing around the inside of my eyelids as I felt a pressure building up in the pit of my stomach. "Matty."

"Tell me you love it." He purred, removing his lips for only a moment.


"No Aves, tell me." He said, stopping and bringing his face close to mine. I opened my eyes to look deep into his, flakes of caramel visible in the dark.

"I love it. Please." I moaned, kissing his lips. His cheeks flushed a pink colour and I could tell for a fact he liked the sound of the words. His head moved back down, and with the slip of a finger and a flick of his tongue my legs were left quaking as I grabbed at Matty's hair.

"Oh my god." I gasped, throwing my arms behind me and panting.

"Good?" Matty smirked, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

"Good." I laughed. I sat up to meet him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in for yet another kiss. "Your turn now I believe?". I felt him smile into our kiss, and I took that as his seal of approval. I pushed him backwards onto the bed, before tugging at his incredibly tight jeans. Like fuck, they were tight. After a few heaves I managed to get them around his ankles, and I could already see that Matty's length was ready for me. I stroked him through his boxers, earning a satisfying groan to escape his mouth. I giggled, pulling down the waistband and taking him into my hand, before finally into my mouth. As soon as my lips wrapped around him, a much louder moan escaped him.

"Fuck." He inhaled, scooping my hair up and holding it within his fist. "Look up at me." I did as I was told and was greeted with even more gratifying noises, before his body began to jerk.

"I'm gonna-" He started, before he left his mark upon me. I let him empty himself into my mouth, before I withdrew and swallowed.

"You're a good girl, do you know that?" He exhaled deeply with a disbelieving smile, pulling me to lie next to him. "Which is probably why I find you so hot. Those innocent eyes, fuck. I was done for. I always have been."

"You don't mean that." I laughed, clambering beneath the sheets.

"Ah, always so skeptical. But I mean it, your eyes are it for me. This magical emerald green that shines in the sunlight, and almost changes colour when you're talking about something you love. Like that fucking creative writing class you take with George. Your eyes, they shimmer and it's weird as shit but I love it. They remind me of the first day of spring, the sort of green that emerges from a really shit winter. The green that reminds you that everything is growing, and you're growing, and you're alive. That is what I love about your eyes." Matty half laughed to himself, climbing in after me. He cupped my cheek, stroking slightly with his thumb. "That and they look amazing when you're giving head."

"Stop!" I laughed, batting him away. He pulled me in closer however, close enough so that my head was forced to rest on his chest and I could hear the steady beat of his heart.

"It's true. Nothing like these old boring brown eyes of mine."

"Boring? Nothing about you is boring." I whispered, tracing the lines of his chest tattoo.

"How so?"

"Everything about you. You're enticing." I breathed. "Too enticing if you ask me. And your eyes? No where near boring. You say my eyes change colour, but yours... I've never seen anything like it. When you play with the lads, they melt into golden rays bright enough to shine through an eclipse. Don't ever say your eyes are boring, because those two holes in your head turn into little sunsets of their own and it's the most beautiful thing to watch."

A moment of silence passed and I was beginning to think Matty had fallen asleep, before his broad accent shook the room.

"That was very poetic of you, no wonder you enjoy that class so much." He tightened his arm around my back. "George has never come out with anything like that. The bitch." he mumbled, before we both drifted off to sleep.


I woke up pretty early. Probably because I was excited about the meeting the boys had today with Doug's producer friends, but most likely from the memory of last night. I shifted in the bed for a while, grateful that I was able to witness a sleeping Matty. He looked so peaceful, a complete juxtaposition of himself barely 12 hours ago sitting in the dark. His mouth was hanging open slightly and his hair was spread across the pillow, but what I loved the most is that his arm was still firmly wrapped around my back, his hand loosely cupping my upper arm. I smiled to myself, before checking the time. 6:04am. There was no point me trying to get back to sleep, so I instead got out of bed and trapsed into the kitchen and decided to make breakfast. As I checked the cupboards, I texted the boys to come over as soon as they woke up - a big day like this, they were definitely going to need a good start to it.


(A/N: I'd just like to say thanks so much for reading guys, but I feel like I really need to stress about how important voting for the chapters is! It takes less than two seconds to click the button and it really helps me out a lot, so I'd be really appreciative if you did :)

This chapter is dedicated to @barneytwx, thank you so much!

Have a lovely day guys, big love x)

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