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(A/N: It's been a while, miss me?)

P.S. I've not proof-read because cba and I wanna get this published so I can get on to the next chapter... fight me.

By the time we got back and had everything set up, it was late. Guests were starting to trickle in as I desperately tried to shove the cardboard boxes holding my few belongings into safe places. 

"Nobody will touch them, Avery. I wouldn't worry." My mum said from the doorway of the bedroom.

"You don't know Matty's friends-" I began, before being interrupted by a loud CRASH

"Ohhhh George you're in troubleeeeeee!" I heard Ross say.

"Shut up! I didn't mean to!"

"...See? Can't have anything nice." I half laughed, raising my eyebrows.

"Well, I'll leave you to it. Have fun tonight love bug, you deserve it." My mum smiled, kissing the top of my head before exiting the room. I watched her leave, grabbing my brother by the collar of his polo shirt and dragging him away from the counter full of booze. As soon as she left, I followed the sound of the crash and came to see George kneeling on the floor, desperately trying to shove the shards of an ornamental globe under the rug. 

"Oh Matty is gonna kill you..." I smirked, watching as he whipped his head round at the sound of my voice.

"You can't even tell!"

"G, there's a huge bump under the rug and the stand holding the globe is missing, y'know, the globe?" Ross grinned, sipping from his red solo cup. Desperately, George grabbed the stand before throwing it out of the window. My mouth hung open as I looked at Ross, who looked equally as shocked.

"Solved! Shot time!" George grinned, before walking downstairs with a whistle.


Matty's P.O.V

"How are you okay with everyone throwing your shit around?" A voice said at the side of me, dragging me out of my daydream. I looked at Emily, who was perched a stool. I could tell she wasn't comfortable, she kept sliding off and trying to wiggle her way back on to it.

"It's funny." I shrugged, watching as a group of people played catch with a vase. 

"I doubt Avery will think so." 

"As long as it isn't hers she won't care too much." I said. Emily only rolled her eyes when she thought I couldn't see. "You not drinking?"

"...I'm pregnant?" 

"Oh. Yeah... whoops." I grimaced, taking a long sip from my bottle of wine. "Speaking of which, when you gonna tell George about Noah?" 

"I don't see how that's any of your business." She glared.

"Alright moody, don't cry." I smirked, pushing myself off the wall I was leaning on and walking off. 


Avery's P.O.V

"Stop throwing my shit!" I snapped, grabbing a vase that was sailing through the air. A bunch of guys I'd never seen before audibly booed me as I hid it in the cabinet beneath the sink.

"Avery mate, you need to chill." Adam said, placing his hand gently on my shoulder and guiding me to a bottle of vodka. 

"Everyone's pissing me off-"

"Chill. Worry about it tomorrow, enjoy your party tonight." He said. He poured four shots, before grabbing two and placing them in my hands. He grabbed the others, clunked them against my own clumsily, causing some of the liquid to slosh down both of our hands, and knocked them both back. I sighed, shook my head of my worries, and followed his example.

"You're right." I said, pulling a face at the bitter after taste.

"As always." He smiled, pouring four more.


Matty's P.O.V

"I don't wanna waaaaaste my time, become another casualty of society!" I shouted along with the hundred or so people taking up the downstairs of our house.

"I'll never faaaaaall in line-" George said, looping his arm around my neck and jumping up and down, his other arm pointing in the air. I couldn't help but grin, looping my arm around his waist and jumping with him.

"This is probably the best party you've ever thrown, hands down." George shouted over the music, a huge lopsided grin on his face. I nodded in agreement, and spied Ross and Hann snaking their way through the crowd. I opened my arms and welcomed them into the chaos, jumping around until the end of the song.

"You seen Emily?" George asked, nudging me in the side with his elbow. A slower paced song came on, and I took the opportunity to swap my empty bottle for a new one.

"Earlier, dunno where she would be now though. You seen Aves?" I asked, shrugging as I tipped the contents into my mouth. The cold trickle that slid down my throat was heavenly, and I pulled my top up to wipe the sweat collecting on my forehead from all the jumping around. Everybody shook their head 'no'. Hann went a step further and plucked the bottle from my hand, before heading over towards a group of girls that looked vaguely familiar. I smirked, momentarily entertained by his attempt at flirting. Hann was a good guy, but man his game was weak.


Avery's P.O.V

"I can't believe how rude he was! It doesn't have anything to do with him!"

"Well to be honest Em, do you not think he has a point?" I sighed, messily pouring another shot for myself. I could feel the thumping bass of the song they were blasting downstairs.

"Oh not you too." She snapped, rolling her eyes.

"Don't fucking roll your eyes at me, mate." I snapped back, taking the shot. "You have to tell George eventually. You can't take over his house and build a nursery when you don't even know if its his kid!"  She sat quietly for a few moments, her eyes narrowing in my direction.

"Don't get brave just because you've had a few drinks, Avery."

"It's nothing I wouldn't say sober and you know it. It isn't fair, and if you don't say something soon it's gonna come back to bite you on the arse-" I began, but was interrupted by the door swinging open.

"I was looking for you!" Ethan beamed from the doorway, holding up a bottle of gin. I smiled politely, before looking at Emily.

"Yeah, speaking of coming back to bite you." She muttered under her breath, pushing herself up from the bed and storming out the door.


Matty's P.O.V

"I really thought I had a chance there." Hann said, resting his chin on the palm of his head with  sad sigh.

"Plenty more fish." Ross said, slapping him on the back and putting an opened beer in front of him.

"I'm more annoyed you thought giving them a £200 bottle of red wine would work in your favour." I smirked, also grabbing a beer. "That was my last bottle."

"Yeah, you're right," he said, pushing himself up and grasping his own bottle. "Nobody drinks red wine at house parties other than narcissistic egomaniacs." He raised the bottle to his lips, returning with a smirk of his own. I playfully gave him the finger, before a familiar flash of blonde hair caught my eye.

I nudged George, who's eyes lit up as he fought his way through the crowd towards her.


Avery's P.O.V

"Ignore her, she just doesn't like hearing home truth's." I sighed, giving Ethan a warm smile. "Thanks for coming."

"Thanks for inviting me - though I suppose I should be saying that to Matty." he smiled back, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "So, you're living together then?"

"Yeah. I, uh-" I began, but stopped myself. Flashbacks of being alone with Callum and having a similar conversation raced through my mind. I found myself backing up against the wall, heart racing. 

Please, not again. 

"I'm really happy for you Avery." He smiled at me, placing the gin on the dresser. "As long as you're happy, I'm happy." 

"Oh." I said, instantly feeling foolish. I opened my mouth to speak again, when the music cut out and was instead replaced by a group of raised voices. Ethan and I looked at each other before rushing out the room and down the stairs. The crowd was surrounding a small group, and we fought our way through before exploding out at the center. 

"Well...fuck." I whispered, seeing Noah and George standing off against each other.

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