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"I thought you two had some massive romantic epiphany and ended up destroying every person surrounding's gag reflex? Obviously due to your sudden public display of affection, no doubt. I bet it was gross." George winked, nudging my arm and wiggling his eyebrows.

"Romantic epiphany? He said that?" I asked, my stomach starting to churn. The butterflies were back.

"Something along those lines. He seemed ecstatic when I left, bouncing off the fucking walls." George yawned, stretching his arms above his head. "Am I alright to crash here tonight? I really can't be arsed to drive home and we have class in the morning anyway."

"Yeah, sure." I said, barely acknowledging anything George was saying. My head was still spinning from Matty's kiss and the fresh information George had just laid on me, like I was a bowling ball rolling down a never ending hill. I was so confused and dazed, and frankly somewhat nauseous. What scared me most is that I'd never felt this way before, especially regarding a boy. I moved to London to get my degree, not get dragged into some weird and vicious circle of obsession over this boy I would have never in a million years pictured to be the focus of all my attention. But he was, and the realisation I couldn't do anything about it was growing. And I didn't care.

"Now am I alright to go head to tails with you in the bed or will I have to sleep on the floor? Either way I'm not fussed, but I have a bad back y'see an-"

"Just get in the bed George." I laughed. As he clambered in next to me I was so thankful I had such a goofy and sincere friend as George to spend my time with, he'd always been there for me and hadn't pushed on the subject of my ant-depressants or even Matty for that matter. He was so understanding and I adored him for that.

As we lay in bed with George chatting away about his hatred of snakes and other random shite I found myself wishing I liked him instead of Matty. I did. Things would be so much simpler. But the problem was I didn't, I liked his narcissistic arse of a best friend instead, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I woke up to a crashing sound and a lot of shouting. As I jolted out of bed and towards the kitchen, I realised two things: one, I was stilly fully clothed and wearing last nights makeup, and two; George was no longer in my bed.

"You lanky prick! Just fuck off why are you here!" Emily screamed, throwing a packet of biscuits at George. They narrowly missed his stomach as he leant against the door frame, a smirk plastered across his face.

"Admit it," He simply added, throwing his hands up in the air as surrender "and we'll leave it at that."

"What's going on?" I shouted, squeezing past George's slim body and into the middle of the room. Brad was quietly eating his cereal and reading the newspaper completely unaware of his surroundings, whereas Callum was no where to be seen.

"Get him out Avery! I don't want him here!" She screeched, clawing at her hair in frustration.

"Now that's strange to hear coming from someone I just caught peeping on me in the shower." George shrugged, a devilish grin covering his face. A look of complete shock horror covered my own, as my jaw dropped and I found myself clasping the large 'o' shape that my mouth had now formed.

"I didn't, I-I-I have a boyfriend I d-" Emily tried arguing, stumbling over the words she was endlessly spewing out to no avail. She glared at George one last time before shoving him out the way and running to her room, locking the door behind her.

"Good morning. Tea?" George turned to me, and with that I knew today was going to be an eventful one.

(A/N: sorry I haven't updated in a while guys it's just I've got mock exams for the next two weeks and I also split up with my boyfriend not long ago (which hopefully means I have more time to write - this is a good thing!☺️) I promise after the next couple of weeks updates will be more frequent, just try to be patient with me x)

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