Rich guy s bored

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Helloooo! 😊

I know.. I know.. Its been so long since my last update.  Sorry again. But I wanna drop something today. 😅


*Seungcheol's Pov*


Its fucking Monday and I hate Mondays! Who even loves Mondays!?? 


Okay now we established that I loathes Mondays, let's talk about how I woke up hating the idea of waking up just to go to school but the hatred I was feeling also involves the throbbing head the moment I woke up on my crappy apartment.

No one to blame but myself on my crazy hangover…..


I do actually have someone to blame, it was Hoshi who annoyingly convinced us that its a good idea to drink and go clubbing on Sunday. Which it definitely not a fucking good one at all.

With this state, I spent the whole day sleeping in class and like always no one called me out since it's a normal sight for them to see me on my desk either sleeping or doodling something which I shouldn't be doing during classes. Not a good example, I know.  And yes sleeping did somewhat ease my headache  but the hangover made me grumpy the whole day glaring at anyone who dare to meet my eyes.

I was walking at the parking lot where our usual place to meet since Hoshi texted me a while back saying they're already waiting for me. Gosh I'm dying for a smoke!!
Coming closer at the part of the parking lot I saw a familiar car and some familiar faces. 

"What are you all doing here?" I asked the moment I reached them. 

There was Hoshi and Woozi sitting on the hood of Hoshi's car, Wonwoo was leaning on the new car, obviously not his and there are three other people with them.

"I'm here to see my boyfriend hyung." The tall guy, a total puppy answered smiling while leaning to Wonwoo who was smiling at the tall guy fondly. 


I turned at the other two guys raising my eyebrows, also both too decent on our school's dirty parking lot.

"You're mean to us since he's not here huh. But don't worry he'll be back next week. His father insisted to extend his vacation with them for a couple of days. So don't be a grumpy." The soft and kind looking guy talked smiling at me. 

"What the fuck are talking about." I replied to the guy who just shrugged.

"You know too well what I'm talking about" he sneered. Okay, I take it back. This guy is not soft and kind at all. This guy is an evil in disguise.

"Joshyy stop teasing him." A younger guy turned to talk. Bless him.  "Anyways, we are planning to visit this new restaurant? Would you like to join us?" 

Without a second thought, Hoshi blurted " YES, WE'LL BE THERE" making us throw him a judging look. 

"What!?? It's free food and drinks, also its Seokmin who invited us. We can't turn him down" 

"You don't need to shout dumbass! You almost made me deaf!!" Woozi slapped Hosh on the shoulder.

"Okay then. Well see you guys. Tomorrow" Seokmin clapped his hands delightfully before bidding us goodbye since its almost getting dark meaning its dangerous for rich people to be littering around the town. This particular part of town. 

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