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Hello there! 😊


*Seungcheol's pov*

I was having a very nice sleep when someone decided to ruin it.

"Wake up dear! I told you not to stay up late playing games!." my mom nagged at me as she opened the curtain making me groan and pull my blanket up.

"Cmon! Move your lazy ass or else you'll be late for school!" she keeps shaking my shoulder but I purposely ignored her. I heard her sigh and I felt her stood and walked to the door. I almost dance for my victory when  she talks again.

"Well. Okay stay on your bed  and I'll just send your super cute baby pictures as a gift. " I can clearly hear the evilness on her voice.

"You won't dare!" I sat up on my bed glaring and I'm right, shes wearing an evil smirk on her lips.

" oh I will! You know I will" she challenged me. I kept on glaring at her but knowing this woman, she will really do it.

"Fine! Fine! I'm up!  But mom! Please don't do it. You know how he is.!! " I pouted and begged for her mercy.

"Let's see. I'll give you 10 mins to prepare and eat your breakfast, if your not done by then, you know he's just one call away" She smiled at me too sweetly as I jump out my bed and run in the bathroom. I don't wanna take the risk.

*At school*

This is why I don't want school it's boring. I'm  doodling on my notes when I felt my phone vibrate on my pocket  I sneaky look at it and smile after reading and texted the person back.

"stop texting!" My friend nudged me on my side

"But this is an important! I can't just let it unattended." I said pouting.

"Stop being dramatic. Text after class or you'll get caught!"  He said rolling his eyes 

I was about to answer back saying his just jealous when " Mr. Choi, anything you want to share to the class?" Our teacher interrupted 

"Nothing miss" I smiled sweety at her as she rolled  her eyes. ..

"Then you better stop whispering there and no texting on my class unless you want detention!" I just nodded and she continued talking. My friend quietly giggled as I glared at him but continue doodling.

After class I immediately walk out the room as my friend tried to stop me.

"You're going to ditch practice are you?" He asked

"You know me so well my friend. I have something important to do. So please you need to cover me up" I cutely begged.

"Yuck! Stop! Your not cute at all. And nope I will let Coach have your ass for ditching soccer practice" he said firmly.

"Ughh. Just help me this time. Thank you!!! You're a very good friend. " I said as I run out the school. Well its true, I have more important things to do.

*at the subway station*

"Where are you?? I'm already here at the station." I look around the station.

"I'm on my way down there. Wait.  Someone was talking to me. Swjzbwksnwyoqnan ahmmm. Whaaat?? " and then the line was cut.

" Hello!!  Hey you okay??? Hello??" I got nervous. I keep calling the number back but it was directed on the voicemail. I later received a text telling me to rescheduled it coz something came up. I was upset, I even ditched my soccer practice.

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