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Hi. 😊  it's been a long time... (Again) 😅 please forgive me.. 🙏

I just want to say hi and drop something. Another plain plot but I still want to post it since I've been away for a long time. 
Again, forgive the errors and bare with me. 🙏😊

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Jihoon Pov 

We are summoned for an emergency meeting on BigHit main building and I can't help but somewhat worry. 

"Okay! Before we reach the conference room, tell me now, who among you did something stupid that caused this emergency meeting!" I asked my members suspiciously as we piled in the elevator.

"Dk broke the juicer after he shoved a whole ass carrot on it?" Seungkwan blurted making Seokmin look at him betrayed.

"Wait! You whaaat!??" Jeonghan looked at Seokmin. Oh boy! He loves that juicer. 

"And he will replace it asap! Now if that's the reason why the CEO wanted to meet us then give me something sharp and I'll murder Dk right now on this elevator." I said sarcastic but I can see Seokmin gulped while Joshua rubbing his back saying its just a joke. 

"Okay Im still pissed about the juicer but lets deal about that later. Now chill Uji, it must be just another meeting for our group status or something" Jeonghan said making me sigh.

Okay. Maybe he's right..

Since Big Hit acquired Pledis we've been  joining the monthly meeting with all the groups the company handle. Our group was named Pinwheel with 5 members. The only Kpop group Pledis handles as of the moment. While Bighit have 5 more groups. Ughh! Thinking about it, then the conference might be crowded as hell again.

We walked in the hallway and enter the conference room but was just welcomed by some of the higher ups. We introduced and settled down waiting for the others to arrive. After another 5 minutes the door opened revealing the 5 members of a Hiphop group, Rocket, they also bowed then settled in. We exchange greetings since we already friends with them.

"Okay. Now that we are all complete lets start the meeting shall we?" Namjoon, the young Big Hit CEO stood up together with his VP / Husband Seokjin who was smiling at us.  He's always gentle to the idols.

"Oh. You look confused, well this meeting only concern you two, Rocket and Pinwheel." The CEO said smiling making me more confused and nervous. 

Namjoon started with the individual group status reports like always and some promotion ideas for both of our groups. 

"Since both groups' comebacks were so successful , you've been on the news lately, songs we're played everywhere so we just need to maintain both of your popularity on top and in a long run. Mostly will be on guesting on some variety shows will be lead by Seungkwan and Mingyu coz your two have more experience on this, join some competition shows, Wonwoo and Joshua so as Jeonghan we need you on this too" the CEO wink at Han making our group chuckle. Of course. When some games involved, we really need Han for his dirty tricks.

"We will do more collaborations too and more exciting promotions" Seokjin added at the same time he brainstorms who will join such activities for group promotion.

"Jihoon, the fans love your collaboration with Yoongi so we will make another one. I already talked to him about it and he agreed" Namjoon  turned to me and chuckled when I rolled my eyes when he mentioned my older brother's name.

He and my brother are friends and belonged to the same group back then, together with  Seokjin hyung and 4 other hyungs before they disband and do their own thing.

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