Poisoned Daisies

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Requested by thatdumbfangirl

Daniel x Cultist Follower! Reader x David

I'm actually very proud of these next few chapters, I can't wait for y'all to read them!



That's all she could remember. A flash of white with smoke.

She remembers parts of that day if she forced her memory. However it was a painful experience. No matter how much she forced her memory, all she could remember was a white room with fog.

(Y/n) doesn't remember anything past that. Her entire life she lived now was for Xemug. Thanks to her master, she now sees light.

It's been like that for years.

She stood waiting for her master outside of the mess hall of some random camp. For the past two months, they've been jumping camp to camp accending children and their counslers. It was a tedious path, however (Y/n)'s only job was to make sure her master was pleased and that his every need was met.

It was her duty. He had saved her from the sins of this treacherous world. Daniel's first misson was to save her when she was only five. Thanks to Daniel, (Y/n) grew up to be his loyal assistant. She now follows his every order.

That means everything he asked, she did blindly. From emoting how he wanted her to wearing the outfits he liked.

(Y/n) forced herself to continued smiling as she heard the screams inside. Soon it became too much for her, to where she tried to silence the screams by placing both of her hands over her ears. The sun had began to set as her master began to accending. He had asked (Y/n) to wait for him outside with his breif case with a smile.

She followed his order.

Her master stepped out of the camp's mess hall holding his twisted knife. He turned over to (Y/n) and smiled. (Y/n) stood perfectly where he last left her, holding his breif case.

"Our work here is done, (Y/n)," He grabbed her shoulders and began to guide her back towards the forest, "Let's leave before they arrive,"

"Yes Master Daniel," (Y/n) smiled

Daniel looked down at her with a wide smile. He took his brief case from (Y/n)'s hands and placed the knife inside.

"(Y/n), please tell me you didn't get your uniform dirty,"

"No Master Daniel," (Y/n) stopped her walking, "My outfit is a white as your uniform,"

It was unfortunately true. The specific outfit she had on was an almost identical one to Daniel's outfit. A white button up shirt, with a white pencil skirt. She also wore white flats and a silver ring on her right hand.

She was lucky, Daniel didn't force her to wear any contacts or dye her hair to match his exact style. He wanted her match but not loom excatly the same.

"Good, were going to another accending and I would hate to have us not match,"

Another camp.

(Y/n)'s smile fell slightly. That would make this the fifth one this month. With this camp,

"I'm not sure yet which camp," Daniel thought outloud, "I was thinking on getting the camp's on Lake Lilac over by Sleepy Peak,"

(Y/n) followed behind him obediently. The two walked as they heard the police sirens behind them grow slightly louder.

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