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Your POV
I was coming over to the Hype house since I wanted to see my boyfriend Michael. Me and Michael have been dating almost a year. It been forever since the last time we hang out. I got to the hype house. Kouvr opened the door for me.

"Hi Y/n, how are you?" She asked me as she hug me. I hug her back and then pulled away.
"I been alright, I just came here to see Michael. But how are you?" I said
"I been doing okay, and Michael is in his room." She said
"Thanks." I thank her.
"No problem." She said
As I walked upstairs to Michael room. I knock on the door.
"Come in!"
I opened the door to see my boyfriend on his phone.
"Hi babe." I said
"Hey love." He said
As he walk up to me and peck my lips.
"How are you?" He asked me.
"I been doing okay but how are you?" I asked him.
"I doing okay, so bring you to daddy's Michael room?" He said as I looked at him as he was crazy. I hit his shoulder.
"Michael!" I said
"Kidding but what brings you here?" He asked
"Can't I just hang out with my boyfriend?" I said
"It just-" Michael said before someone yelled his name.
"MICHAEL- Ohh...I didn't know you had company." They said
"Y/n, This is Vinnie. Vinnie this is my girlfriend Y/n." He introduced us.
"Nice to meet you." I said
"Same with you." He said as we shake hands.
"Sorry babe, I would love to hang out with but I already made plans with Vinnie." He said
"Oh- it's fine. I can come another time." I said
"Cool." He said as he kissed my cheek and left the room with Vinnie.
I groan and lay on Michael's bed. Just as someone knock on the door.
"Who's it?" I asked
"The virgin..."
"What do you want Calvin?" I asked
As he opened the door.
"If you wanted to hang out with me and Patrick?" He asked me.
"Sure, I don't got nothing else to do." I said
As we left his room and went downstairs where everyone was.
"Hey y/n." Mia said
"Hey Mia." I responded to her.
"Where you three going?" Thomas asked
"We gonna take y/n out and then maybe teach her skateboarding." Calvin said
"Yea so bye guys." Patrick said
As three of us left the hype house. We all went to dinner and then went to the park. Both of them tried teaching me how to ride a skateboard but it ending me busting my ass. Eventually, we all went home.

—The next few weeks—

Third person POV
Y/n and Michael haven't been hanging out since the last time she asked him to hang out with her. Y/n been coming to hype house to asked him to hang out with her but he always turn her down because of Vinnie. Y/n felt that Michael doesn't care about her and only cares about Vinnie. She loves that he hanging out someone like him but she wants to spend time with him. But then Y/n had the last of it. She went to the hype house and went straight to Michael room without saying hello to anyone. Once she got in there, she immediately closed the door that caught Michael attention. Michael was playing video games with of course Vinnie.
"Michael?" She asked him
"Hey babe- umm,..can you come back another time?" He told her.
"No..." She said to him.
Michael and Vinnie paused their games and looked at Y/n.
"Y/n,...Me and Vinnie are playing game right now. I hang with you later." He said
"No Michael,...This is tenth time, you have canceled to hang out with me since you been hanging out Vinnie." She said as she crossed her arms.
Michael looked at Vinnie to leave the room. Vinnie got the hint and left the room.
"Y/n, I don't understand why I can't hang with Vinnie." He said
Y/n looked at him shocked.
"You been hanging with Vinnie these past few weeks. You never had time for me." She said
"So?" He asked
"So?" Y/n repeated.
"Yes so, at least I have someone that acts like me and not someone who annoying me being clingy as Fuck and literally missing my bro moments." He said
"Are you serious?" Y/n asked him.
"Yes, and I don't get why don't you just get the hint I don't want to hang out." He said
Y/n looked at him in the eye. Just as her heart broke in tiny pieces.
"So your telling me to this whole clingy thing and all annoying is me." She responded at him.
"Sound like it..." He said
"Fine! Go hang out with Vinnie. Don't come for me again Michael because we are over." Y/n said to him as a couple tear drips down her eye.
"Y/n-" Michael said just Y/n ran out of the room and left the hype house. Michael tried following her but the boys stop him.

Thomas POV
Alex and I were talking about doing for Valentine's Day until we heard y/n running downstairs with tears. We tried to stop her but she left. We see Michael running down and we stop him because he had be the reason why y/n left. I grab him to hold him back.
"What did you do?" I asked.
He stay silent so I asked again.
"What did you do Michael to her?" I asked again.
"She broke up with me." He said.
But why is Y/n crying.
"There's something your not telling me Michael." I said to him.
"We had argument and I said that she clingy and annoying because I stop hanging with her and hang more Vinnie." He said
"Your dumbass you know that right?" I said
As I let go of him. And just looked at Alex before at Michael. Who had tears rolled down his eyes. He look as his heart was torn apart but he did this to himself. Then Michael ran to his room and locked himself in there. We knew that we had to leave him alone. Mia and Kouvr said that they going to see how's y/n doing. We wanted to come but they just said that it be okay if it was only them two. So we agreed and they left.

Michael POV
I'm so sorry- sorry y/n...This is my fault, it was never your fault. I cared for a friendship then my girlfriend or now ex girlfriend who fucking cared about me or who probably fucking loves me. And I've never had the chance to say I love you because I been so distance with you that I totally forgot. Our one year was days away and I blew it. Now you're heart broken of everything I said. I regret every single word I said. Y/n, you're not clingy or annoying. You are the most beautiful, amazing, caring, most thoughtful person that ever walked to my life. Y/n L/n, I do and always forever love you, care about you with my whole heart and you will never know. I still remember when you asked me who I loved the most in the world? And said it was food but reality its was you. You're the person that I love most in the world and it will never change. Even for year, Nothing can change how I feel about you.............
A Sad ending...something I haven't wrote in a while... If you have any requests or if you want your own name in my story's comment down... 💚❤️💙💛

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