🦎Lizard x Reader (Headcannon) 🦎

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Decided to take a break from all the smutty shit I'm writing. Soooooo I'll write cute relationship headcannons.

✨✨ General ✨✨

🦎 His teeth are pretty nice compared to the other mutants. Despite having a malformed jaw and cleft palate, his teeth seem to be semi straight and intact.

🦎 His hair is scruffy, yet suprisingly soft.

🦎 Although he has a lot of *ahem* "sexual experience", it's all for the wrong reasons. Jupiter had taught Lizard and the others to breed as much as possible sooooooo.

🦎He's good in bed, but can he flirt? Not really.  The way he flirts is... barbaric in the eyes of regular humans. He would be super flattered if a victim flirted with him, hell, he'd probably get right into things thinking it was some kind of invitation. Poor guy.

   🦎 He is scared of needles. DEATHLY afraid of needles. Quite an unexpected fear for this sun burnt son of a bitch.

🦎 He's not a fan of dogs... Or parrots...

🦎 He speaks in full sentences. He sounds like a fucking hillbilly when he speaks though, but it suits him.

🦎 Best cook (fight me).

🦎 He's a happy drunk. Every time he gets plastered he's surprisingly Jolly. He'll want to hug and kiss everyone around him. Sometimes he'll just start crying for no apparent reason too. And then sometimes he straight up passes out. Hangovers are a completely different story.

🦎 Steals his victims weed

🦎Likes to scare children. He'll hop out of a bush he had been hiding in to scare the poor unsuspecting kids of the small community.

🦎 Cigarettes and cigars are his favorite human invention next to guns. Whenever he's working around home, he's always got one of those tobacco bastards in his mouth.

🦎 His humor is incredibly morbid and dry, but somehow hilarious.

🦎 He isn't a picky eater. Pickings are slim in the desert, so anything apart from human meat and animals is a blessing to him.


🦎 You're  pretty damn special for him to spare you.  The first time you met him was because he was trying to kill you (romantic ikr) since you're a human in his tribe's territory. Somehow, you managed to kick his ass . He likes it when his prey fights back, but LOVES it when a strong human female fights tooth and nail. Although he was pissed that he was beaten senseless by you, he was impressed.

🦎 At first he played hard to get , but eventually you worked your way into his heart .

🦎 Will lick (yes like lick you) you for the sake of freaking you out. He gets a kick out of that.

🦎 Since he has his very own personal female human to play with , he doesn't go out and take his victims against their will. Even then, he knows it would upset you and he doesn't want you to lose trust in him like that. Sure, he still kills and maimes people, but infidelity? Nah. Of course, you don't know that he used to partake in kidnapping and sleeping with his poor victims and he doesn't plan on telling you about his past. EVER.

🦎 He has his moments of sadness and mourns the loss of his siblings. And you comfort him when that happens. you'll run your fingers through his hair and hum to him in an effort to calm him down.

🦎 When he sees you crying, he'll make sure that whoever is responsible never sees the light of day again. He'll let you cry into his chest while he wraps you in a tight hug. You, always melt in his strong arms when he hugs you.

🦎 When he's angry, you'll keep your distance. However when he has had some time to think about what made him upset, you'll come over and calm him down. Wrap him in a hug and he forgets why he is angry in the first place. 

🦎  He's pretty grumpy when he's horny or hungry. So if you give him food and he's still irritable, you'll  know what his next meal is.

🦎  He'll pop out of nowhere and scare you for kicks. It's pretty scary when be pops out from behind a corner or jumps off of something and screams at you not gonna lie.

🦎 He is big spoon. No exceptions. He loves holding you close to him, knowing that you're there and safe with him.

🦎 Give him babies. Please. Man wants to be a father.

🦎 A game of cat and mouse is all you need to get Lizard going. Run up behind him when he's busy doing something, snake your arms around his waist and grab his crotch before running off. He'll always find you, the tent in his jeans heavily pronounced.

🦎 He's pretty protective over you. One wrong look from anyone and he'll be at their throat in seconds.

🦎 He'll do some stupid things to impress you. One time he tried to pull his hand out of a bear trap he set off. He tried to do it quick enough so it didn't clamp down on him, but of course that didn't work and he was left with a bruised wrist and an embarrassing story to tell Big Mama.

🦎 He'll come back with alcohol that he stole from his victims and the two of you will get shit-faced drunk.

🦎 Periods have no effect on Lizard. He's used to snippy behavior from the other tribe members. Your irritable comments and sighs are NOTHING compared to how the others treat him when they're angry or on whatever fucked up cycle they go through. Being on your period doesn't make him hold back on sex either. He loves to have fun with you when you're on your period.

🦎 When you wear dresses, he always gushes over how darling you look. Not to mention on how they really bring out your figure when the dresses are particularly tight.

🦎 Kiss either of his sunburnt cheeks, and he'll love you forever.

🦎He'll fall asleep while you two are watching television. He'll always rest his head on your shoulder- snoring softly. He looks so damn peaceful when he's sleeping. You hate to move and disrupt him because he just looks so comfortable.

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