Prologue: Unity

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Kikimora's Perspective

"Ah yes, Kikimora. It's finished! Be a dear and open the wormhole," the Emporer said with an approving chuckle as we were surrounded by the elite coven heads.

I glanced upward to my superior and nodded. "Right away, sir."

I pushed the lever and looked up at the large, glowing, spiraling portal. Suddenly, what I assume to be humans, start walking in. One took off some sort of face covering and looked around in astonishment.

"Woah," one said. The human walked over to a guard who was standing still, knowing they'd get fired if they even budged. The human touched their helmet, but the dust from the helm made the human sneeze violently upon the guard.

"Hm... intriguing," I heard the demonic king.

Oddly enough, the coven guard's body started to freak out. They began to double over and cough blood at a fatal amount. Their mask fell off, and their face looked anything but beautiful. The skin was practically falling off their face. One would be disgusted by just the smell of rotten flesh. Their eyes were crimson, filled with hunger. They attacked another guard, brutally tearing them apart while groaning like an abomination. I've borne witness to the wild witch executions, but this was brutal.

The second guard stood up slouching, bloody, and a gory mess. They started spreading this hunger quickly to not just other guards but the new humans as well. Then, they started towards the Emporer. I strived and struggled to push the lever back to close the portal but to no avail.

"Quickly, get Sir Belos out of here!" I yelled to the young Golden Guard. Luckily, the Emporer escaped soon as I yelled that. I turned around much to my horror and--

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