Chapter 3: Watch Each Other's Backs

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Gus' Perspective

"LET US IN!!!" A familiar voice yelled.

"WE'RE GONNA DIE OUT HERE!!" Another shouted.

Eda relieved herself from the hug and opened the back door. "Oh, it's Baby Blight's tri clops friend, the lackey, and the 'O Mighty Boar-Nose'."

"She is not my friend, not after the crap she did to Luz last year," Amity retorted.

"You pick fights with me all the time, Amity!" Luz chimed in from the living room.

"Shut up, idiot, I'm trying to defend your honor!!" she barked back at her rival.

I scowled as I walked up to the trio. I then spoke to my ex-boyfriend, my former bully, and my older cousin with malice masking the sorrow of losing my father. "You've got some nerve coming here. Especially you, Matt."

"Look, I'm sorry. I fucked up. I know you'll never forgive me, Agustus, but if there's any kind of sympathy left for me in your heart, you'll help me out just this once. I don't want to die today, or well become one of those things," Mattolomule said remorsefully, but I didn't believe a single word that he said.

"You cheated on me with multiple people, lied to me, blackmailed me, why the hell should I help you?" Once more, I felt hot tears running down my face. Surely, my face must be swollen by now. I couldn't take this anymore. 

First, my dad gets infected, and now this? 

I then felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Gus, I know you're upset, but it'd be cruel to let them get infected. I mean, hell, Skara's your family! I can't say anything decent about the other two, but you get my point right?" Willow reasoned.

I glanced up at my best friend sighed heavily. "You're right."

Willow walked with me over to the couch as the others walked into the living room. Luz stood up in front of everyone with a whiteboard and a marker.

"Okay, so I don't know how this shitfest happened, but this is what we humans call a zombie apocalypse." She started writing on the board giving details on what these monstrosities were.

"So this has happened to you humans?" Jerbo questioned.

"Nah, people fantasize about this stuff. There are video games and movies about killing zombies left and right," she replied.

Luz looks off to the distance for some odd reason. (To you readers it would be right at you)

"People also like to read stories about it for some reason," she continued.

"Uh, is she okay?" Willow asked me.

Eda shrugged. "Eh, must be a human thing."

Luz looked back at us and continued.

"Anyway, based on what I've learned from watching 'The Walking Dead', we need weapons, food, medical supplies, defenses, and to have each other's backs," she looked at me and Matt, "no matter the crap we've put each other through."

She began to write down roles on what everyone would do. Viney would be the medic and take care of King, Jerbo and Boscha would be the lookout, Skara and Lilith would be our suppliers, Matt would help me and the twins set up defenses, Willow would be the brains behind all of our weekly strategies, and lastly Eda, Amity, and Luz would work offense.

"Ugh, let's get this over with already," Boscha groaned.

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