Chapter 8: Her Last Words

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AN: Play the song above, it fits the chapter well.

Boscha's Perspective

Flashback to earlier that week

Everyone else was asleep. I, being nocturnal, couldn't rest. Luckily for me, a certain nerdy fern lover had insomnia as well.

I plopped down onto the couch with an audible yawn, smoothly putting my arm around Willow. This made her giggle like a child. I drew a quick spell and put on a movie.

"Boscha, what are we?" the girl snuggled up to me in front of the crystal ball asked.

I looked down at her and cackled. "Friends, you dork. Come here," I said, pulling the plant witch closer.

Except, maybe I didn't want to be just friends. Maybe something else was there, but I was too stubborn to admit it.

"Bsch? Bsha? BOSCHA!!" Skara screeched. "Are you even paying attention?"

"Sorry, what?" I said snapping out of my trance.

"Amity's out, for the time being, we're all switching up jobs. You and Willow are on offense duty," she explained.

"Ughhhh... Why can't Luz and Eda go?" I groaned. I'd rather do anything than get blood and guts on me.

"Eda's helping with resources, and Luz insisted on keeping an eye on Amity. So you're stuck with me," the fern lover said to me.

I felt a slight blush arise on my face.

"Ugh, fine whatever. Let's just go."

Both the nerd and I walked down the Owl House's path, it'd been quite some time now and none of us bothered speaking. The air was fresh and out of the rotting zombie odor.

"You could speak, you know," She said to me, deserting our main path and continued to explore another area.

"Hell, get back here. We don't know if that one is cleared of those freaks yet," I scoffed, dragging my bat against the dirt.

Willow continues to walk alongside me, yet still staying on the same path.

"I didn't know you were the type to worry," Willow muttered, staring down at the ground.

"Oh shut your trap, we're on offense duty and dying is already high of a chance here," I replied, untying my hair to tighten it again.

"I've never seen you with your hair down."


"You're pretty," She whispers, tilting her head.

I wasn't sure if the sun suddenly got closer to us, or if I'd just turned red. My whole face warmed up, and my heart beat faster.

No amount of rationality could calm me down now, to the point I couldn't come up with a valid response.


Of all words, that's what came out of my mouth?!

"What'd I expect...?" Willow said, almost somewhat disappointed as she walked ahead of me.

After that, we didn't speak until we'd reach a certain area of Bonesborough.

"The callousel?" I spoke as a giant, childish, yet luxurious machine stood before us.

Over to the fences were walkers, in mobs fighting for what seemed like a portion of a corpse. As I stared at a majestic piece of my childhood, Willow began climbing her way up.

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