Chapter 39

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Matt POV

"So, was she any good?" Nico pressed.
"Don't start Nic" I warn him. Things are already dicey with Sophie I don't need to piss her off more by letting her think I told people about her.

I'm still determined to taste her other lips, she said she'd never done anal either and I know just the guy to help her with that. I think smiling to myself.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nico! Why are you here?" I snap, reluctant to leave my little fantasy.
"I'm here to warn you. The boss-man has given the Thornton issue til Monday, then he wants me to take the case" he explains. "I've never had to take one of your cases. So I thought I should tell you"

"Fucking Marc. I told him I was on it" I curse accidentally smashing my glass as I slam it down, water and shards of glass spraying everywhere.
"Well you need to speed it up, and I don't see how slicing your hand open will help that." He warns me, tearing off some paper towel for me to blot the blood, before using some more to swipe my mess off the side into the garbage can.

"That looks deep, you should get it looked at" he frowns pulling my hand to get a better look.
"It'll be fine" I grunt. The pain in my hand just exaggerating my annoyance.
"If Aunt Penny finds out I knew and didn't send you to a Doctor she'll cut my inheritance!" He says dramatically.

"Funny how Ma is only Aunt Penny when you are using her to threaten me... And I wouldn't worry too much about your inheritance, given that you were getting sweet fuck all anyway" I point out. In spite of my words I use my uninjured hand to clumsily pull out my cell and call Leo. I actually should get my hand checked.

I need to change out of my wet and bloody clothes and have to accept a little help with my shirt buttons from Nico, which prompted a lot of comments about the open wounds on my shoulders, (I choose to ignore these knowing they are from Sophie's nails this morning.)

Finally I manage to change into fresh, dry clothes. Figuring my sweats would be easiest because I don't have to struggle with buttons or zippers later.

I find Nico by the door, still hanging around like a bad smell.
"Don't you have shit to do?" I sigh. Opening the window to air the room before we leave.
"Yeah, but since my 'shit to do' is tracking your guy down I figured you would want me to take a long weekend" he argues, pulling on a leather jacket that I recognise as mine.

"It's Wednesday." I point out grabbing my keys & wallet.
"A really long weekend then" he shrugs. Following me out of the door.

Leo is already waiting at the entrance.
"Your handy work?" He asks Nico, gesturing my hand. Nico laughs at the suggestion.
"If it was me, he wouldn't have a hand. Any and all current injuries on Matt are self inflicted or from his little lady friend" he says mimicking the voice of copywrite warnings on films.

"What lady friend would that be?" Leo asks. Earning Nico a kick from me.
"Ow! Fuck off!" He shouts "you probably know better than I do who his eye is on" he tells Leo ignoring my glare.
"When did you women start gossiping so much?" I ask annoyed.

"Oh, 'you women' is it? That's not very politically correct is it? We can't gossip because we have penis's. It's double standards I tell you! I can gossip just as well as a woman" Nico starts ranting in jest, much to Leo's amusement.

We can't get to the Doctor quick enough, I'd rather have a needle stabbing my hand than be dealing with Nico in one of his quirky moods. I thought he was hungover and I'd get some peace but no such luck. He somehow manages to be full of energy, talking to Leo a mile a minute now that he's given up on me.

I'm just glad he's let the Sophie topic drop. He's a dickhead who likes to wind me up but he knows where the line is and he wouldn't cross it.

My hand needed a few stitches and I have to wear one of them stupid itchy splints to stop me moving my hand too much and tearing the stitches, she prescribes a few antibiotics to prevent infection and I'm free to go.

I'm more bothered that the Doctor told me not to drink for a few days while I'm on these pills. Stupid work Gala is Friday I'm not doing it sober. We drop Nico at his. Then considering I can't suit up I just head home to work from there.

Such shit luck after a great start to my day. Thankfully the smoke smell is gone. I only smoke when I'm stressed and I never smoke indoors Nico knows that yet always seems to forget when I am not home to stop him.

I pull the window closed against the rain. Absentmindedly watching it lash against the window. Sipping my coffee awkwardly not used to using my left hand. My cell rings and I quickly pull it out with my hurt hand hoping it's Soph, hissing at the sudden pain, I see it's the guy watching Thornton.

I swear if this is more bad news I don't want to fucking know, I think hitting the button to answer the call.
"Mr Canossa, Thornton's lawyer just called to confirm the funds have been transferred to Thornton's account. We have looked and they have cleared this morning, he needs to go into the bank to transfer the amount to you. We made him an appointment for tomorrow so we need the bank details. The account should be settled in full by Friday."

"Good, I will send you the account details to use. Make it clear to him this will be played to the bank as a business transaction. If he trys anything funny to raise alarms he won't get another chance" my voice is low full of threat, before I hang up.

Well thank fuck for that.

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