Chapter 40

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Sophie POV

Friday seems to have come around quickly, even though I did a lot Wednesday and Thursday.

Thornton's contract completed and he doesn't need anything else for now. I had my telephone meeting with Mr Davidson which seemed to go well.

I'm a little nervous about tonight though. It's the Christmas party at Canossa. I haven't heard from Matt since he left Wednesday unless I count his little note. In turn I haven't tried to contact him, so I don't really know where we stand.

I'm currently sat in the waiting area of the spa for Lili and Maddie. I'm looking forward to the distraction. Hopefully whatever is happening with Matt I can just have a nice day and evening with the girls.

I'm tempted to ask their advice but Lili being Matt's sister I think it would be too weird. She doesn't need to hear about her brothers sex life and even if I skip the sex bit I've seen how excited she gets about me and him. I don't want her reading too much into it.

I pick up a magazine to flick through to pass the time, it's in Italian so I'm only looking at pictures. I stop in shock at a page spread of some glamorous models in lingerie including Maddie! Advertising perfume I think. Why women need to be in there underware to advertise perfume is beyond me. Or maybe it's a moisturizer? Whatever it is has a fancy bottle.

So these are the kind of girl Matt gets set up on dates with? I know I've seen Maddie in person but there is something different about seeing her like this. Like some kind of goddess on the page.

I look at the other girls in the add picturing each next to Matt's tall muscular frame. Why on earth was he fooling around with me when he could easily be with any of them?

It's no wonder he hasn't called me. I run my eyes over the women again. The long legs, tiny waists, smooth flawless skin. I can't help comparing my short legs, larger figure and numerous stretch marks.

People with good genetics really don't appreciate their privilege. The benefits they get in life just for having the 'right' look and figure.

Despite my size I actually eat pretty healthy. I mean I don't starve myself and I enjoy the occasional pizza and pasta but I don't just eat junk I do eat salad and veggies. My body has just always been bigger. If I even read the word cake I gain 5 pounds.

"You'll get frown lines" Lili says pressing a finger against my forehead. I didn't even notice her arrive. She glances at the magazine. To see what I'm frowning at.
"You weren't comparing were you? You do know they look nothing like that. They're photoshopped into stick men" she scoffs.

"You realise I've met Maddie right? I know how good she looks" I remind her.
"They Photoshop my stretch marks here, my birthmark here, my scar from there" Maddie says joining us and pointing to different parts of herself in the picture. I know that she's trying to boost my confidence, but I'd rather she didn't do it at her own expense.

"So. Why this spa?" I ask changing the subject.
"They are good for my hair" Maddie tells me. "You have no idea how many places can't style a black woman's hair, I'm getting a new weave started while you get your massages"

"Can't we all just get our hair done at the same time?" I suggest.
"Ma Cherie, I'm having two girls on my hair and it will still be at least three hours." Maddie tells me.
"Holy shit!" I'm suddenly appreciative of my low maintenance hair.

After changing into swim wear and robes we all head to the hot tub for some girly time before Maddie has to get her hair started. We sip champagne and laugh enjoying the relaxed atmosphere. There are not many people in with it still being a weekday so the staff are very attentive refilling our drinks and bringing a platter of fruit for us to share.

From the hot tub we seperate Maddie for the hair salon Lili and myself for our respective Massage rooms. The masseuse has magic hands. After a full body massage I am almost ready to sleep, I consider sitting in the relaxation room but I have to go straight for the nail appointment. Manicures and pedicures.

I actually hate my feet so much and I don't like people touching them but I suck it up for the girls. We are lead by the therapist to the same Salon as Maddie. Apparently she's getting her manicure and pedicure while they do her hair to save time.

I can't believe how different she looks already. It's been a little over an hour and her long chocolate curls are gone most of her hair now in cornrows so tight my head hurts just looking at them. The women's hands braiding so fast my eyes can't keep up.
Lili and I take seats opposite as different women start our pedicures.

I focus on the conversation trying to ignore the fact someone is touching my feet. I think the nail technician can sense my unease because she seems to be keeping contact to a minimum as much as possible. I'm definitely tipping this woman.

I choose to go for a simple look. My nails are already long so I just get a gel polish french tip while the girls have extension. My hair is styled into a low chignon with a silver clip some loose hairs framing my face. Maddie has her new black weave styled into glossy 1940's style waves. Lili having her usual dark curls straightened.

By the time our nails and hair are finished. I'm hungry enough to eat a horse. We choose to eat back at the hotel while we dress, and apply makeup.

I'm starting to feel nervous about seeing Matt. I hope things are not awkward. I wonder if he'll have a date.

That doesn't matter. This is a work function that's all, I remind myself slipping on my silver heels.

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