Live a Little

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I recommend starting the song when you see *** but do what you want.

Theo's POV

Warm vanilla sugar scented perfume and strawberry scented shampoo invades my nose as Candy sits on my lap. The smells forming a raging headache in my head- feeling every pulse of my heartbeat in my ears. The urge to just open my car door and let her fall out is way too tempting but then how else would I mess with Callista?

I wasn't even exactly sure why I wanted to mess with Callista but with the way she looked at me in the club and couldn't even look away even after seeing Candy on me, I knew it was working. She didn't have to give me a facial expression for me to figure out what was going on in her head, I just knew.

But the way she looks tonight with her vibrant blue eyes and ruby red lips- drawing me in as I couldn't take my eyes off of her. The way that red corset pushed her boobs up almost seeming they'd spill over the fabric. The way her curly hair bounced on her shoulders with every step she took. She may be dressed sinfully but she looked like a complete angel.

We finally arrive to the party and everyone in the car is still chatting while I still have Candy whispering dirty things into my ears. Apparently she's told her pussy is as sweet as candy by quite a few men. That's wonderful for her but I don't even like candy so that's saying a lot right now.

Tom parks the car and turns off the engine and I've never been more thrilled to get a girl off of my lap. If only it was Callista- the way she felt on my lap the last time she was on it grinding down onto me made me feel like I was in another world with just one else. I shouldn't have allowed it, I shouldn't have kissed her and I knew that but I didn't stop myself.

Candy shifts herself on my lap and reaches behind her to pull onto the door handle. I know I won't be catching her if she doesn't hold herself up as she opens this door so she may want to consider that option before she embarrasses herself.

I watch Callista open her door and hop out of the vehicle as I hear Draco and Pansy scoot their way out of their door. Candy opens the door and at the corner of my eye I see her falling back before she catches herself w the headrest of Tom's seat and the door frame of the car.

Squealing with a high pitch, "oh my gosh I almost fell out. Why didn't you catch me babe?" Candy looks at me and she pulls herself back into the car and turning her whole body around on my lap to face the open door.

"But you didn't so you're fine. Can you get out now?" I say with no expression on my face as I'm completely unamused by anything and everything she has to say.

Hopping out of the car after Candy, I look around to see we're in a suburban neighborhood with the white picket fences, something normal people dream of along with getting fucking married and having kids- I can't even imagine being in that kind of hell.

I walk around the car with my arm wrapped around Candy's shoulder and try to inhale some actual oxygen before I'm smothered by her nauseating scent again.  In front of me was the house we were invited to, a pale yellow two-story suburban home with flowers beds surrounding the front of the house. The smell of freshly cut grass fills my nose and I close my eyes as I inhale it in slowly, enjoying every bit of it. Small things like that brings me an inkling of joy inside of me.

Opening my eyes as I continue walking with a squeaking girl beneath my arm, I look in front of me to see Callista and Pansy holding hands with Tom and Draco ahead of them lighting up a cigarette. I watch the way Callista's silk red cape moves with each step she takes, the breeze flowing within it slightly.

"Oh my gosh Theo, can you hear the music? I can't wait to get in there and dance for you!" Candy's preppy overly excited voice honestly hurts my ears. How can one be so happy and annoying?

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