The Return

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Only 20 Episodes in and we're already at the end of S1. I'll have an episode recapping episodes I didn't include and why. But without further ado, here we go.

Steven and Greg are near the fry shop. 

Steven: "Gimme the-"

Peedee slides some fry bits towards Steven before he says it.

Peedee: "Eh, saw you guys coming."

Greg: "Are you closing up all by yourself?"

Peedee: "Yeah, just me tonight."

Greg: "Wow, must be a lot of responsibility for a kid your age. Your dad must trust you a lot."

Peedee: "Don't patronize me sir."

They begin walking away towards the beach.

Steven: "See you Peedee! (To Greg) So like I was saying, Peridot's been shooting stuff here from space, and when you destroy them, they explode into goo!"

Greg: "That sounds scary. You know, I'm not sure if- You ever feel like this gem stuff is too much for you?"


A giant pulse of energy explodes everywhere. Not damaging, but it explodes most of the glass in beach city.

Greg: "What the hey was that!? Steven?"

Steven is looking up at the sky.

Steven: "Is that a hand?"

A giant green hand is floating above the sky, pointing at the beach and heading straight towards them.

It cuts to the gems on the beach with a telescope.

Pearl: "The light cannons should be ready."

Steven: "Guys! Did you see that thing in the sky?"

Pearl: "It's a ship. We have to assume its Peridot."

Garnet: "Lapis told us they would be coming with advanced weapons and reinforcements."

Rose: "Reinforcements usually come with a Jasper or Rubies, But considering they know I'm here I'm not too sure."

Greg: "It's happening."

Steven: "I want to see."

Steven looks at the telescope, and gets a closer look at the hand. "Whoa."

Garnet: "Ready the light cannons!"

Rose (talking into a microphone) "If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs."

All 4 cannons light up and fire. The 4 light rays combined and go full force into the ship. It deflects off and the hand seems to be unharmed.

Garnet: "No effect."

Greg: "What now?"

Rose: "... We have to face them head on. We'll need to evacuate the city."

Steven calls Mayor Duey as he goes and helps the town evacuate.

Steven runs over to the gems. "What about me?"

Rose: "We need you to stay in the house. This might be hard for us. If anything happens we need you to stay safe."

Steven: "Huh? Why can't I help?"

Garnet: "I know it seems like we don't trust you Steven, but we can't handle seeing you in danger. Especially in this situation. "

Rose: "I know this is tough but, they want me of all of us. If something bad happens and I can't be here anymore, they will leave this planet alone. You have my gem. You can carry this on and help  Beach City like I did."

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