Bubble Buddies

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Steven walks out of the temple with his bike and helmet. The gems are near the beach discussing the rumbles that have been happening so frequently. 

Amethyst: "Maybe they are earthquakes?"

Pearl: "I don't think they are, they are too frequent."

Rose: "Steven! What are you doing with your bike?"

Steven: "Taking a ride."

Pearl: "In the sand?"

Steven: "Yup."

Steven starts to slowly move his bike through the sand, going super slow towards Beach City.

Rose: "Does he know that the bike doesn't go fast in the sand?"

Garnet: "No, but he's determined."

About 5 minutes later, Steven is still slowly riding his bike down the beach sand. Struggling, but still going. On the way to Beach City he spots a girl reading a book, and stops his bike.

Steven: "Sm-smooth ride." He looks over to see if the girl is noticing but she's still reading her book.

Steven: "Hand Breaks, Electric-blue finish with a tiger bell," He looks over again and she still hasn't noticed he's there.

Steven: "I'd bet there's a lot of kids who would love to ride this bik- whoa!" As he falls over to the side, he runs back to the temple like nothing happened.

Steven comes back to the temple and closes the door while panting from the run.

Rose: "Who were you talking to Steven?"

Steven: "Huh? You saw? I-, well we never talked."

Amethyst: "Ooo you LIKE HER!"

Steven: "Uuh, I like everyone."

Pearl: "Let's set up a playdate! I'll write up an invitation and work out a schedule, we can figure out her favorite kind of tea, or-"

Rose: "No, just go talk to her Steven. Alright?"

Steven: "Okay, but you guys can't watch! It'll mess up my funky flow."

Rose, Amethyst and Pearl: "Funky flow?"

Garnet: "We wont watch."

Steven: "Alright." Steven goes to pick up a glow-stick ring from the freezer, and takes it outside.

Amethyst: "What's that?"

Steven: "Nothing!"

Later, at the same place with the girl. Another one of those loud rumbles in the ground happen.

Steven notices the cracks on the side, about to fall onto the girl.

Steven: "OH! Wait! My name is- Steven!" And Steven pushes her out of the way slightly. as he looks up a pink bubble has formed around them. SMASH. The rock fell on the bubble and it crumbled into pieces upon impact.

Steven: "Whoa! How did I do that? Well, hi! My name is Steven!"

Connie: "Connie." As she shifts her glasses back into place. "What... happened? What is this bubble?"

Steven: "I actually don't really know, I'm magic. half magic, from my mom. This is new though. I don't know how I made the bubble... But we go on missions to defeat monsters and save humanity. We're the crystal gems."

Connie: "My dad does that too kind of, he's a cop. Well, more like a private security guard."

Steven: "Hmm, I don't really know how to make this go away.. I don't really see you around the beach."

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