Cheeseburger Backpack

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Quick update, Mostly how I will be doing this series is that I will have most of the episodes here that would be affected by rose being alive. Along with some new episodes. Things like Ronaldo episodes and other filler episodes that wouldn't be changed at all with Rose being alive I wont include.

Steven after receiving a package from Jamie the mailman, and comes into the temple to open it. None of the gems are there until right before he opens it up. The Warp Pad activates with all 4 of the other Crystal Gems are there, covered in feathers.

Garnet: "Hello Steven."

Amethyst starts walking over to the fridge with an egg as big as Steven. Pearl is next to Rose who has the Moon Goddess Statue with her.

Pearl: "Amethyst we do not need that. Its not going to fit!"

Rose: "I am curious though."

Amethyst as she "carefully" takes everything out of it and puts the egg in the fridge.

Amethyst: "Look it fits!"  SLAM, CRACK

Pearl: "Sigh We'll deal with that later. We fought a giant bird. But we have to go back out."

Steven: "What? Why?"

Pearl: "We have to place this Moon Goddess Statue on the top of a lunar spire before midnight, otherwise the whole building will fall apart!"

Rose: "Steven you should come along as see it. It was an oasis for gems on earth. But its abandoned now. It might not be as beautiful as it was before but it still has a lot of beauty in it."

Pearl: "What? Rose it might be too dangerous for him!"

Steven: "No, that's perfect! I got this new Cheeseburger Backpack! I can carry the statue in it and other things!"

Amethyst: "C'mon P, it'll be educational!"

Pearl: "Alright fine, Steven, Keep this statue safe in there."

Steven: "Alright! I'm going to get some more stuff real quick."

Pearl: "We don't have too much time so don't take too long!"

Rose: "Pearl he'll be fine. We still have until midnight."

Pearl: "I know but-"

Steven: "Almost done!" He yells across the temple.

Pearl: "Alright."

Garnet: "He'll be done in 38 seconds."

38 seconds later:

Steven: "Alright I'm ready!" he steps onto the warp pad with the others.

Rose: "Do you remember how to warp? Just relax and keep yourself in the warp stream."

Steven: "Yep, I'm ready!"

The warp pad activates, warping all 5 gems. Steven floats around the warp stream a little before garnet balances him down. The warp pad at the sea spire activates, and they have arrived.

Pearl: "We're here."

Rose: "Oh no. The Sea Spire is falling apart."

Pearl: "Oh, It wasn't like this 100 years ago..."

Garnet: "I'm sensing structural instability."

Amethyst: "Yea, I can tell."

Steven: "Yep, That's never good." As he says that the ground he's standing on near the cliff starts to crack open a little.

Rose: "Steven!" Roses yells out and grabs him away from the cliffside, right as it falls apart into the water below.

Pearl: "I told you this place is dangerous! We need you to be serious Steven. This place is your heritage."

Steven: "You got it."

Later, near the entrance. 

Garnet: "Don't jump past just yet. There's a vortex that will pull us under if we try to make the jump. Rose if you try to jump up high with all of us we can make it safely across. Its less stronger the more height we go up."

Rose: "Got it, Alright everyone ready?"

Everyone: "Yup."

Rose jumps high above with her floating powers and slowly glides to the entrance way above the normal jump.

Steven: "Woohoo!" Steven celebrates as they land. Amethyst runs up ahead.

Rose: "How long do we have until midnight?"

Garnet: "About 20 minutes. Lets hurry."

Amethyst: "You guys? We have a problem."

Near the top of the spire, a swarm of Crystal Shrimp block the exit.

Pearl: "Gasp Crystal Shrimp! Okay, I have a plan. Amethyst if you can distract them on the right side with a spin attack, Garnet if you strike this exact spot on the roof, and Rose if you can cut the rest to make a path for us-

Steven: "BAGEL SANDWICH!" As Steven throws 2 bagel sandwiches to both sides, the Crystal Shrimp clear out.

Rose: "Good job Steven."

Steven: "Thanks Mom."

Pearl: "...My plan would've worked too."

Amethyst: *Laughs* "Yeah but Steven has his own plans."

The top of the Sea Spire.

Rose: "Alright, we are here. and 3 minutes to spare. Steven, get the statue out."

Steven: "Already working on it."

Steven starts rummaging through his Cheeseburger Backpack but he starts slowly getting more and more worried as he looks through.

Pearl: "Steven?"

Steven: "I-I don't have it."

Pearl: "There's no time. We need to leave NOW."

Rose: "I can get us all to the warp pad before the whole place goes down. But-"

Steven: "I have an idea!" Steven brings out Mr. Queasy from his backpack and puts it on the totem where the statue would usually go.

Rose: (Looking at Garnet) "...Could that work?"

Garnet: *Shrugs*

Pearl: "Rose its too late! if this doesn't work we have to-"

Mr. Queasy starts being elevated from the moonlight above. right when it hit midnight. It seems to work until... Mr. Queasy explodes.

The Sea Spire starts falling apart quick. Rose quickly grabs everyone and try's to float above everything. While everything is swallowed into the vortex below and the vortex is over, rose gracefully lands into the water with everyone.

Steven: "I'm so sorry. I thought  it would be a great idea with the cheeseburger backpack and i forgot all about the statue. I- Wait." Steven rummages through his backpack again, and pulls out a lifeboat.

Amethyst: "Aww yea! Cheeseburger Backpack!"

Rose: "Steven its alright. Basically all of your ideas worked. And now we don't have to swim home-"

Garnet: "Its a 3 hour paddle home."

Rose: "Well at least we aren't swimming home in the water."

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