Nihachu - [Candy] (Short)

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MCYT: Nihachu

Minecraft or IRL: Minecraft

Type: Still have no idea

Pronouns: She/Her

Title: Candy

Main Idea: You and Niki are chilling in a field by Pogtopia eating some candy. She gets some chocolate on her face, you decide to make a bold move and lick it off her face.

Trigger Warnings: Swearing, Slight intimacy (I think?), and a Traumatize Technoblade



"Wait, you're 19?" My eyes widened in shock. "Yeah.. do I look old or something?" She sweat dropped. "No! No! You just look so... young." I waved my hands in front of me.

She giggled, taking another bite of her danish. "How old are you?" She asked as she pushed some of her blonde hair from her face. "18, turning 19 in/in next [Birth Month]." I said as I took a bite of a brownie. "Hey, don't talk while chewing!" She scolded.

"Good luck getting her to listen to you." A monotone voice spoke behind me. "Oh hey Techno." I greeted, stuffing my mouth again. "Y/n~!" She whined. "Sorry!" I apologized, my mouth still full. Niki simply face palmed.

Technoblade sat down next to us and grabbed a hand full of candy and shoving into his mouth. "So, anything new at Pogtopia?" I ate the last bite of my brownie. He shook his head, "No. Just Tommy proposing an idea and Wilbur shutting it down." He rolled his eyes.

Niki and I snickered as he grabbed his own brownie. "Sounds pretty boring." Niki hummed. He nodded.

I laid down on my back, staring up the sky. "Hmm... I wonder what we would be doing right now..." Niki and Techno looked down at me, "if we didn't decide to become democratic." Techno looked at his crossed legs.

"Well, for one, I wouldn't be here." Techno stated lamely. "And Schlatt wouldn't be president," Niki continued, before Techno picked it up again, "We wouldn't be living in a ravine," "L'Manburg would still be L'Manburg, and not what Schlatt has made it," "Everything would most likely be exactly how it was." Techno finished.

I chuckled. I watched the clouds go by, my smile turning into a frown. "I wish Wilbur didn't decide to become democratic. Everything was amazing.. fun.. okay..." I paused, "Then Schlatt ruined it." I scoffed.

Niki placed her hand on my knee in a comforting way. "We'll get L'Manburg back." She reassured. I sat up and smiled at her, placing my hand on her's. "Stop flirting. It's making me sick." Techno made a fake gagging sound, putting his hand over his mouth.

Niki and I chuckled. I noticed some chocolate on Niki's cheek. Hmmm...

I wonder if I just...

I leaned over and licked the chocolate off her cheek. Her face flushed a bright red as she looked at me with wide eyes.

I reached behind her and grabbed a pink flower, placing it behind her ear.

Technoblade's mouth curved downwards in a look of disgust. "Fuck this I'm out of here." He stood up and speed-walked away.

I chuckled as Niki was still staring off into space, trying to comprehend what I just did.





I'll try to write longer ones soon. I try to range between 500-1,000 words or more so.. oop.

Now go drink some water,




and remember to do drugs.

523 Words


Published 02/07/2021 9:00 PM

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