DreamXD x Reader - [Trapped]

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What the fuck is wrong with me

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Minecraft/Dream SMP


Idfk honestly how to summarize this

Point of View
Third Person

Trigger Warnings: Manipulation, Gaslighting, Or just Toxicity in general


"Get away from me! You're a monster!" They screamed, backing themself into a wall and throwing anything they could at him.

He ignored every single fetal attempt, cornering them.

He pinned them in place, getting uncomfortably close to their face.

"Listen here, brat." He growled, his voice becoming distorted and staticky. "I've given you everything you could ever ask for! And I get nothing in return-"

"That's a lie!" They interrupted, "I let you stay in my home, I gave you your own room in my house, I make you food for fucks sake when you can just make your own with a snap of your fingers!"

"You let me stay here because you love me.. and you wouldn't be able to handle the sight of me being homeless."

They stayed silent, unable to form words.

"And you're going to continue to let me stay here, and come and go as I please, because you love me. Got it?"

They nodded timidly, their voice getting caught up in their throat.

"Good. Now go make some me some pie, I'm in the mood for pumpkin."

He backed away, staring holes into their back as they got to work.


"You love me right?" He glanced back at them.

"Well- yeah.." Their grip loosened.

"Then," He shrugged their hands off of him, "You'll let me leave and stop being a selfish bastard."

They let their hands swing at their sides and watched as he stepped out the door.

They stared at his back while he disappeared into the forest, staring off until they knew he wasn't looking back.

They shut the door and slammed their back into it, sliding down to the floor and crying into their knees.

Their entire world crashed around them, they just cried and stared at the clock on the wall.

They tallied each hour he was gone, covering half of the wall.

They refused to sleep, keeping their eyes wide open and on the clock.

The door slammed open, after almost two weeks, he came inside.

They ran up to him, pulling him into a hug in which he returned.

He traced circles on their back, massaging their scalp with his other hand.


"Just let me leave!" They pleaded, trying to push past him to get to the door.

"Why do you want to leave so bad?" He shoved them back, "Are you not happy with me?"

"Do you not.. love me?"

They began to stutter, unable to form a proper sentence.

"I- w-what?! I do love you! I really do! But I can't live like this!" They cried.

"I'm locked in my own house that I built, I can't go outside! I can't even get eggs because I can't go out to my own animals. I'm slowly running out of materials, I feel like I'm going insane because of the stress. I just want to go out, see the sun, see my friends. Get some fresh air.."

"You don't need them." He snarled, "I'm the only one you need."

"I'm not saying I need them, I just want to be free. I'm still close with them, and I want to talk to them. I haven't talked to Niki and Puffy in months for fucks sake!" They ran their hands through their hair, then grabbed it and pulled in frustration.

"I'm just trying to keep you safe, to protect you from them. They don't love you like I do, and they never did or ever will." He took a step closer, grabbing their chin and forcing them to look him in the eyes.

"They don't care about you, so you don't need to care about them. Drop it."

Their hands dropped to their sides and their head hung low. Their shoulders slumped and their knees bent slightly.



670 Words



Extra Note:...

I already had this pre-written by my sister and holy fuck- IT LOOKS LIKE I WROTE IT MYSELF BUT NO IT WASN'T ME



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