The Pier. Part Two

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Michael's POV

I let the tenseness melt from my shoulders as I looked out at the horizon. I saw all kinds of people mingle and rest their bodies on the sand. I glanced over to Y/n and exhaled through my nose as I sat back.

"Does the implant work for you?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, sometimes. Other times I just don't even wear it or turn it off." Y/n said as she fiddled with her fingers. Her face remained flat with emotion and I felt that impatient nature come to threaten my current state of mind.

"I see. Wish I could do that." I laughed lightly.

"No, you kinda don't, dad. It sucks, feeling like you have to rely on everyone and be a bother. Not to mention— well never mind. Probably best not to actually mention." She huffed off the statement and I felt more miles growing between us.

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry and you're not a bother."

"Well yeah, maybe not to you. You're never home. I know that because mom always talks about it." Y/n paused before slumping back in her seat,"I wouldn't blame you."

I eyed her closely, seeing the hurt twist her face. I couldn't have brought up any sort of reply that she wanted because I had no excuse.

"But I'm trying now, ri—?"

"Can we go home?" She spoke sharply. It was more of a demand than question at this juncture and how could I argue?

"Sure," I replied before getting up and following her, eyeing where she stepped from time to time,"But don't say I didn't try."


The ride home was unbearable. Her entering the house and finding her way back to her room was unbearable. Maybe I even was unbearable.

"What did you do?" Amanda asked as she peered in through the doorway. I walked passed her and poured myself a drink.

"I didn't do anything. I thought maybe if I had taken her to the Pier, like she wanted, that maybe she'd warm up to me or something. I don't know."  I sat down on the couch with a sigh and drink in hand,"Maybe I am a shitty father."

"You said it. Not me." Amanda retorted before having felt the weight of the couch shift from underneath me.

"Do you think it's already too late? That whatever salvageable time I had was already wasted? Is she gonna just full out despise me?"

"I don't think that exactly, Michael. Neither of you have had any bonding time aside from when she was just a child. You can't expect her to just lighten up."

I swigged the rest of the whiskey down and set the glass aside on the table,"Yeah, I know that. I just — don't know what to do."

"Give it a bit more time."


You sat in your room, writing another journal entry amongst many others and sighed. After finishing up you tossed the book aside and fell back onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling. The dark and deep pain swam in your stomach as you contemplated the events from today.

"You have that face I do after hanging out with Dad." Tracey spoke and sat next to you. You shrugged and groaned,"It's like he always talks out of his ass. I just ..."

"Yeah, I know sis, it's fucking stupid. He just doesn't understand us girls, let alone mom. You want a break from hearing or whatever? I can place the thing on your vanity." Tracey offered and you nodded. You shut off the device, took it out and handed it to your sister. She placed it on your vanity and you gave her a thumbs up before she left to do whatever else she does. Shortly after, Jimmy stood in the doorway and you motioned to him that your device was out. He gave a small nod and shuffled off to play Righteous Slaughter. Brothers are weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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