Three: The Pier. Part One

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Michael had a plan. He always did. From his elaborate yet emotionally driven antics to get away from the police to well ... this.

He loved his kids but he didn't know how to get closer to them like how those picturesque families do. He knew that life wasn't like the American Dream but oh boy, did he wish hard on it.

When Y/n had been born, the whole dynamic changed. Amanda didn't plan to caring for a baby at her age, neither did Michael. Tracey was so excited to be a big sister and Jimmy was a bit indifferent on it. Only because he had to be quiet. Well, thought to be anyways.

In her early stages of development, it was extremely worrisome. Y/n's eyes hadn't focused on a single thing. When loud noises came about, she didn't flinch or cry. She especially didn't cry often. Y/n liked to be attached at the hip to her father, surprisingly. Though when Michael suddenly left his retirement, Y/n had immediately stuck her her mother and siblings and it hasn't really changed for the longest time.

"Listen, Amanda, I know I've done wrong-"

"Don't you play this victim card again, Michael. You do not know how hard it is for me to take care of Y/n! We go to doctor to doctor and you barely make it in time." Amanda whisper yelled, knowing Y/n had been asleep in the other room. The two stood, pacing back and forth to release some anger that built up.

"I'm doing what I fuckin' can, alright? If it wasn't for me, those doctor visits wouldn't have been paid for. Not to mention the medications and the cochlear implant. Thirty thousand dollars-!"

"It doesn't excuse the fact that you have been absent in her life, Michael," Amanda sat down on the edge of their bed, sighing. Michael noticed her tone and felt the anger in his chest disperse and sat next to her.

"I cannot allow yet another kid of ours to be failed because one of us can't step up to home plate. You can pay for her way of life like you did to Trace, Jim and I but it doesn't mean that she'll love you fully. We are lucky enough that we worked through are problems and, Christ, still need to but we need you here at home, Michael. She's still a baby. It is just as much as your job to support her as much as it is mine."

In the moment, Michael thought that the therapy sessions were working. The gears in his heard turned and clicked, creating a response but this wasn't a plan he could go through. He would just have to go head first.

"You're right, Amanda and ... I'm sorry. It's just-"

"Michael." Amanda halted her husband who exhaled and saw the tension in his shoulders melt off his back. No excuses.

"I'll do better. After this score and when I'm finished dealing with some unwanted company, we'll be settled. For real. I promise."

But that fateful promise was never truly secured. Michael watched one of his daughters navigate the world with no true sight nor reliable hearing. She was strong, he'd admit wholeheartedly, but Y/n grew older. She was more dependent and reliable on the rest of the family but him. Who could blame her?

Michael awkwardly stood in Y/n's doorway of her room. She hasn't noticed his presence or heard him for that matter. His steps were cautious, trying not to spook her but his racing heart pounded in his chest. How could he even make conversation with her. It was ... awkward.

"Dad, hey," Y/n said, her head turning slightly,"What's up?"

"Hey, pumpkin." Michael replied and sat on the edge of her bed. He looked at his daughter who had an almost uneasy smile curving her lips. It mirrored his own expression.

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